Best Served Cold

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Remember those girls who you just looked at and the world stopped? You just looked at her and you knew, without a doubt that she had changed your life. Her looks were so overwhelming that you felt as if there was without a doubt a creator. A God up in heaven who moulded this creature. You just had to say something to her, you had to make your opinion known.

She was just so...


Don't lie. You've seen those girls who all through middle school were the butt of jokes. And you thought, hey she's pretty ugly and didn't say a word to defend her?

You know the ones.

The ones with the ugly misformed teeth and the big braces because they couldn't afford to pay for those slick almost invisible ones? The ugly acne which no amount of cleanser and facial purifiers could cure. The squintyl eyes hidden behind huge, thick correctional glasses. The hand-me-down clothes that were just not in. Her barely brushed hair in a halo of tangles on top of her head. The fat arms and legs still retaining the stubborn baby-fat their parents promised would have disappeared by now. The memories are flooding back aren't they? 

How many times have you stood up for these people?

How many times have these people stood up for themselves?

Well if you haven't guessed already. I was one of those girls. I was the lonely shy girl in the back of gym class with the huge thighs and the braces and the hair. And you know what? It's about time I stood up for myself.

I'm sick of being trodden on for my appearance. I'm sick of players. I'm sick of fake girls. It's my senior year and I'm ready to shake this school up. And you're all coming along for the ride. Welcome! Roll in girls and guys! Strap yourselves in and get ready for a wild ride because once you board. I guarantee you'll find it hard to get off. 

It's time to give them a taste of their own medicine. It's time to fight back. Fire with fire. 

But hey, revenge is a dish best served cold.

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