Chapter 1 {Virgil Storm}

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"Hey Kiddo! My names patton Park it's great to finally meet you, we're gonna be the best of friends!!!!!" Patton said pulling Virgil into the house.
Virgil Storm was a 19 year old Guy with pale skin and Dyed purple hair with black eyeshadow accompanying his dark green eyes.
He had mostly lived in suburban areas but since he graduated college he had moved to the big city to find a good job as a Graphic Designer.
Patton Park, was his Apartment mate and a very cheery man.
"H-Hi Patton I'm-"
"Virgil, I know! I've heard a lot about you"
"Oh Really?"
"Yup! Your room is too the left and I'm just making Lunch"
"Thanks Pat, I'm actually heading out to get some coffee for us, what do you want?"
"Unicorn Frappe"
"Gotcha I'll be back in 15"
"Okay safe travels!"
Virgil left the house and walked towards the nearby coffee shop, it was a quick walk only 6 minutes down the street and he was already rehearsing what to say to the employees.
The shop was decorated in earthly colours and within the shop there was: a tan man wearing a prince costume and beside him an almost identical man but with a mustashe and dressed as taro yamada, it was clear they were brothers and just about to head to a cosplay convention.
"Weirdos..." Virgil mumbled
Over towards the counter he saw an employee with Sunglasses on even though it was kinda cloudy and a customer wearing a beige jumper with a steven universe backpack and a notebook in his hands which Virgil could slightly make out the words "Picani".
He ordered the drinks, paid and left the store
when out of the corner of his eye he spotted an advert on the wall.
Dex-Corp Graphics designer needed
Interviews 07/06/20
"What are the chances?" Virgil thought Before tearing off one of the call numbers and shoving it in his pocket.
When all of a sudden he heard some whispering in An ally beside 2 buildings
"Hello?" Virgil said before he was pulled into the ally and before he could scream he had a knife at his throat and led into a abandoned Garden.
The walls were covered with grates and dead vines were climbing up them, There was an abundance of Burnt cigarettes and Empty liquor bottles everywhere and the place smelt horrible.
"Yeah we got another" Said one out of the four men on the phone, while the 3 had tied his hands and ankles together "Tall, Definitely Emo, Purple hair and a nice body"
At these words Virgil's heart went right up his throat which still had a knife held only inches from it.
"You're gonna be worth a lot of money, Slut~"
Said The man holding the knife.
Virgil screamed bloody murder when he had a bandana suddenly wrapped around his mouth and all 4 men started laughing but just when Virgil lost hope.
"GAHHH" The 4 men yelled as they were hit against the wall by a strange figure with a giant pipe.
"GO! ESCAPE I'LL HANDLE THEM" the figure said as he quickly untied Virgil and pushed him through the ally.
Virgil ran as fast as possible, passing by many people before bumping into a policewoman.
"Is everything alright sir?" The officer asked
"Second Ally beside the Maple bean coffee shop, 4 men tried to kidnap me!!" Virgil cried
The police woman took out her transmitter and called for reinforcements before running towards the ally, taser in hand.
Virgil was taken back to the police station where he was questioned, and once the 4 men were captured Virgil was given a ride back to his flat building which he was grateful for.
He decided not to tell Patton for fear that he would worry so he quickly re-bought the drinks and headed home.
He got back to his apartment to see a sleeping Patton on the couch, Virgil places the Uni frappe next to his Sleeping counterpart and left to his room, around this time it was 9pm, Virgil had left the apartment around 6pm but with all the police drama he had taken a lot longer.
Virgil went to bed around 11pm meaning he got up much later than he should've, around 9am which meant he only had about 10 minutes to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast and get out the door which he somehow managed to accomplish.

"BAI PAT, I GOTTA GO TO AN INTERVIEW I'LL SEE YOU AT 5!!" Virgil Yelled before hugging Patton goodbye rushing out the door while Patton waved farewell to his Son like figure.
After yesterday's events Virgil was much more on his toes and practically ran past that dreaded ally.
Virgil had made it to the Dex.corp building just in time to sit down and wait to be interviewed.
About 10 minutes had passed and a young woman walked out of the interviewee room with a tall man following her.
The man was wearing a black Blazer with a small snake embroidered on it, a yellow Button up shirt, a black tie and A bowler hat.
The man was a dark tan colour except for the right side of his face, He appeared to have vitiligo and Heterochromia meaning he had some discolouration on his face and different coloured eyes which gave him a very similar looking face to a snake.
"Him" the Man said looking towards Virgil
"What?" Exclaimed the woman who turned out to be his secretary
"I want the purple haired guy, he's special.." The man said before walking towards an elevator.
"Alright everyone" the secretary began "The boss has chosen his designer everybody go home"
The 15 people including Virgil gave a big defeated sigh and started to file out the door, Virgil at the very back.
"Hey you! Purple hair!" The secretary said, by this time everyone apart from Virgil had left.
"Your shifts are Monday-Thursday from
10-5 and you get paid $150 an hour each and every week which is basically $4,020 a month"
"W-WHAT? But I didn't even?!"
"Do you want the job or not?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Great you're now the CEO's Personal assistant today's Sunday so you start tomorrow"
Virgil was then shoved out the doors left with a very confused brain and a new job.

Virgil walked Inside to see Patton and a strange guy sitting in the couch, both passed out and neither of them had shirts on.
"Logan Sanders, Patton's Bf" Virgil mumbled as he left towards his room.
Virgil's Room was next to the Storage cupboard and had 3 locks on his door (Anxious much?)
And was mostly painted white except for some painted on Spider webs in the corners of the door.
His actual room was painted a dark purple on 3 walls and silver wallpaper on 1 of the walls he had black carpet with a fluffy, bright purple, oval shaped rug on the floor.
He had a California king sized bed, a black tv monitor and many Rock posters all over his walls.
He had some time to spare, about 3 hours till dinner and since he had just heard Patton saying goodbye to Logan he thought to log on to his computer and draw something random.
He tried to draw an Angel/Human hybrid thing but every line he drew he just Kept thinking of that strange man who saved him till before he knew it he had drawn an exact replica of his strange hero.
"Why can't I just focus this and not him?" Virgil asked himself before pressing his legs against his desk and pushing off across his room on his office chair.
"Kiddo?" Patton said behind his door "You are doing okay?"
"Yup I'm fine just drawing"
"Okay well dinners in 5"
"Thanks I'll be there in a bit"
"okay kiddo"
Virgil looked away from the door and back to his desk to where his Drawing was resting.
"I'll meet you again.....I Promise" Virgil said before unlocking his door and heading towards to table.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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