Chapter 22

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"Forever and always...I do," breathed Adriano with a smile in response to the priest.

"I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss your bride," announced the priest.

Adriano pulled Mayah into a deep kiss as Roach, Krista, Carlos, and Mateo applauded. When they came up for air, they thanked the priest and made their way past the crowd. At the exit to the church, Kace stood with his arms crossed.

"Remember our chat Adriano," he said with a serious grin on his face. "If you hurt her, I will break you." He held his hand out for Adriano to shake.

"Kace!" Mayah scolded.

"It will never happen." Adrian responded with a firm handshake before leading his new bride out of the church to his car. He opened the door for her and helped her in before rounding the car to his side, sliding into the driver seat.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"It's a surprise." He turned the car on and revved the engine before peeling away.

A good while later, Adriano parked the car and killed the engine. "Princess, wake up...we're here." He got out of the car and went around to the passenger side to open the door for her.

Reaching for his hand as she exited she let out a gasp at the sight in front of her. She took a cautious step towards the villa before her. "What is this place?"

"This our vacation villa." He guided her to the front door and unlocked it before picking her up and carrying her effortlessly across the threshold to the house. He carried her through the house to a sliding glass door that led to a balcony.

"Adriano, it's gorgeous!" She slid the door open and stepped outside. "I can't believe you bought a house right on the water like this!" She leaned against the railing and looked out at the sun setting over the ocean.

"I figured since we have to wait for our fairytale wedding that Krista was planning for us, I figured at least I should take her up on one of her ideas." he said softly as he slid his arm around her waist.

"I can't believe how perfect you are," she said leaning into him.

"Princess, I am far from perfect." He kissed the side of her head. "You on the other hand..." he turned her around to face him. "You are perfection." He pulled her into his chest for a hug as he breathed in the smell of her perfume mixed with the sea breeze. "Come, let's go see the rest of the house."

She followed him obediently throughout the house from room to room taking in the sight of the place they would be calling home for the weekend. Approaching the last room of the house to see, Adriano put his hands over her eyes before opening the door. As they walked in he removed his hands from her eyes to reveal the master bedroom. Mayah brought her hands up to her chest as tears of joy threatened to spill from her eyes. The floor in the room and the bed was littered with red, white and pink rose petals.

"Your sister is quite good at decorating." He walked over to the window and pulled the curtain back. "I hope you like it."

Not knowing what to say, Mayah followed him to the window and hugged him from behind before walking around him so that they were facing each other. She stared into his eyes for a few moments before grabbing his right hand. She placed his hand on her cheek and put her own hand on his cheek and pulled him to a kiss. As Adriano fisted her hair, she took a step back and turned them so that Adriano's back was at the window before leading them both to the edge of the bed. Once the back of her legs hit the edge of the bed she pulled away from the kiss. With her free hand, she reached behind her and pulled the zipper down to her dress. Once she felt the material begin to slide down her body, she gave Adriano one more kiss before plopping herself on to the bed, sliding herself backwards.

"Princess..." he growled as he took in the sight before him. He admired her as she laid on her back in her bra and panties before crawling to her on the bed. He waited for this moment for so long but couldn't bring himself to move. "Princess...are you sure?" As much as he wanted to make love to her, he wanted to make sure she was completely sure that this was what she wanted. He didn't want her to feel obligated just because they were married now.

Mayah stared into his eyes for a few seconds before nodding her head. She reached up with one arm and stroked his cheek and reached for the buttons on his shirt with the other. That was all Adriano needed to begin his assault of kisses on her. Holding himself up above her with one arm, he used his other free arm to rip his shirt sending buttons flying every which way. Once Adriano made it out of his clothes and pulled Mayah's undergarments from her body, he positioned himself above her with his member at her entrance.

"Princess, are you sure you want this?" he asked softly. He studied her face as she nodded yes again for him to continue. "It's going to hurt at first," he warned as he stroked her cheek.

"It's okay..." she breathed as she nodded again for him to proceed.

"I love you Princess," he said as he rested his forehead against hers before pushing himself into her causing her to cry out in pain. As he felt her body tense as he entered her, he whispered to her, "Shhhhh, I know baby...I'm sorry," he cooed as he stilled himself inside her. "I need you to breathe Princess." He gently wiped her tears as he began to kiss her softly.

Mayah slowly exhaled the breath that she didn't realize that had been holding. Once he could feel her breathing once again, he began to intensify his kisses and began to slowly move. Mayah consciously felt her body relaxing into him as she heard her own whimpers of pain turn to moans of pleasure. As Adriano's momentum increased, Mayah began to squirm underneath him in pleasure.

"Adriano," she moaned out in both confusion and pleasure. She felt a strange heat of pleasure building up within her that she had never felt before. Unsure of this feeling, she called out again to him. "Adriano...somethings wrong with...I feel..."

"Tell me, Princess...what do you feel?" he asked as he increased his tempo. He knew that she was nearing her breaking point.

Her breathing increased with her heartbeat as the heat within her grew. "Adriano," she moaned again louder. "I love you!" she cried out to him.

"That's it Princess, let go for me..." he grunted in her ear as he felt her writhing beneath him. Once he heard her final cry of pleasure, he released himself within her. "I love you too, Princess," he said to her softly as they fell asleep in eachothers arms.

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