Chapter 27

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Adriano and Roach climbed the stairs from the basement in Adriano's house. They had just finished torturing a few individuals that they determined were working for Marco either directly or indirectly. They both have been on a rampage since as soon as Adriano was well enough to search for Mayah.

"Did this one tell you guys anything useful?" asked Krista as they entered the kitchen.

"Depends on what you call useful," responded Roach as he washed the blood from his hands in the kitchen sink.

Adriano slammed his fist down on the kitchen counter. "It's impossible that nothing's turned up on them! Nothing on him or her! People just don't fucking disappear!"

Krista stood up from her seat next to Carlos and went to Adriano pulling him into a hug. Since Adriano woke up from being shot and learning that Mayah was missing, he's been mad all the time. He handled his mafia and any business he did in a ruthless unforgiving manor. "She'll turn up...she's stronger than she looks."

Adriano chuckled. "I know she is but shouldn't have to be." He sighed and pulled out of the hug. He walked over to the sink and started washing his hands when Kace flew into the room.

"She's alive!" he yelled as he pulled Adriano in to a hug! "She's alive!"

"What? How do you know?" responded Adriano with a smile of relief.

"Doc found some guy pokin' around the Devil's headquarters. When he confronted him, he said that he was looking for Adriano and Roach and had something to give them about Mayah!"

"Where is he?" asked Roach.

"Doc's bringing him here. They should be here any minute!" he said as he ran from the room with everyone else close behind.

Not long after, Doc came walking in with Mayah's doctor. Adriano, had ordered he be brought to his office. He was happy that there was finally news about his wife but couldn't help feeling that this was a trap...that there was some sort of catch. He sat in his chair behind his desk staring impatiently at the door with Roach, Krista, Kace and Carlos seated on the couch to the side.

"Hey Roach, Kris," said Doc as he entered. He nodded towards Adriano as he pulled the petrified doctor along. "This man said he has a package for you Adriano...About Mayah." He forcefully sat the doctor down in the chair across from Adriano.

"Y-yes... I-I want to d-del-liver this s-so I can g-go." He looked around the office as he clutched the packet Marco ordered him to deliver close to his chest.

"What do you have that you need to deliver?" asked Adriano. He poured himself a glass of whiskey while he watched the man place the tan envelope on the table.

"H-he s-said I had to b-bring you this." he said to Adriano. He wiped the sweat from his forehead as he nervously watched Adriano open the envelope.

Adriano angrily flipped through the pictures of the doctor treating Mayah's injuries. "I don't know if you are insane or just dumb for coming here with-" he said as he continued to flip but when he came across a black and white picture, he froze. It was an ultrasound picture. "This...when she..she's pregnant?" he couldn't get the words to form.

"Y-y..n-no s-sir. She was but.."

"What do you mean was?" he growled out causing the doctor to flinch. "What happened?" He stood up to reach for the doctor but Kace grabbed him.

"Let him talk gotta let him talk." Kace said. "I know it's hard but we gotta hear what he says." Kace gripped him harder. He and Adriano had become closer, confiding in each other over their love and grief for the same person. Once he felt Adrian's body relax, he released him but stayed near his side.

"She she healed from being shot rather well but she was sick. She at f-first thought it was the flu, or a stomach bug or even traveling so much while in recovery but M-Marco called me to run some tests...She was ab-bout a month pregnant. I went back and pulled the blood tests that were run while she was in recovery because s-she couldn't conceive while unconscious...she was pregnant while in recovery...before she woke up."

Krista coughed as she tried to keep her tears at bay. She crossed the room so that she was standing on the other side of Adriano. "What do you mean she was?" She could see the look on everyone's face. He just confirmed that her sister was pregnant before she woke up which meant that Mayah was pregnant with Adriano's child.

"After I confirmed my findings, I congratulated her but when he called me back...he had...M-Marco...he rap-assaulted her." He took a deep breath after correcting himself. He hoped that Adriano didn't catch his slip up. "And she had a miscarriage. He told me to treat her for the miscarriage...she was bruised all over... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that he wasn't her..."

"Enough..."said Adriano quietly. He couldn't hear anymore details. His heart couldn't take it. He imagined how afraid she must have been after waking up alone with Marco.

"He introduced her as his fiance and I thought-"

"I said enough!" he yelled as he gripped the edge of his desk. He took a few breaths as his eyes filled with tears. He was relieved that he got the news he had been waiting for...his Princess was alive but she lost their child. His child. Marco had taken enough from him. "Where. Is. She?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm not allow-"

"I don't care. You don't come in here, tell me that my wife is alive and that she was raped and lost our child because of that asshole and not tell me where my wife is!" He pulled his gun from his waistband and pointed it at the doctor. "You tell me where my wife is or I kill you right here on the spot," he warned.

"Adriano, please don't..." begged Krista. "He's going to tell us, won't you?" she asked the doctor as she tried to reason with her brother in law. "Mayah wouldn't want-"

"Want what? Want to be shot? Have my baby beat out of her? Or how about being raped?!" he yelled. His eyes were full of rage. "Of course she wouldn't have wanted those things to happen to her and guess what...they did! So he's going to tell me where to find my wife or I'm going to kill him."

The doctor sobbed. "Please, I will tell you...just don't kill me...please," he begged. "I'm truly sorry."

"I don't want to hear your sorry. I want the location of my wife!"

"Adriano!" shouted Roach as he yanked Krista from his side, pushing her into Carlos. He understood that Adriano was hurting but he was turning into a loose cannon.

"She's an hour from here!" he yelled. "She's an hour from here," he repeated again in a quieter tone. He let out a sigh of relief when Adriano lowered his gun allowing Roach to take it from him.

"You listen to me," began Roach as he glared at the doctor. "You are going to tell us everything we need to know that's going to help us rescue my daughter." He grabbed a pad from the corner of Adriano's desk and a pin and slid it over to the doctor. "And I suggest you don't leave anything out," he warned as the doctor accepted the pad and pen and started to write.

His Princess; The Devils Daughter - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now