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A/N: So this is my first time writing a footballer fanfic so please be patient with me aha. Don't be afraid to comment on my paragraphs and tell me your opinions please! I insist they help a lot 😊


Rose, a 20 year old from Dortmund, just looking for the right guy like any other girl wishes to find. Spends more time concentrated on the cafe shop she owns then on relationships and boys. Then one day her best friend Diana, decides to set her up on a date with her husband's best friend, Erik on a date with the most foolish guy she had ever seen. On a date she regretted forever.

Erik, a 22 year old aspiring footballer from Pirmasens, who is in Borussia Dortmund's and Germany's national team who just happens to like to go on different dates with different girls everyday not looking for anything special. His best friend Marco decides to set him up on a date with his wife's best friend, Rose who just happened to be the hottest girl he's seen, that is until she started talking.

Rose's POV

"I can't believe you set me up with such a jerk, Diana. I thought you were my best friend." I said as I angrily was calling Diana.

"So I'm guessing the date went well.. Didn't it?" Diana said trying not laugh.

"Are you kidding me? He was a complete joke, and we never EVEN made it to the restaurant! I thought you said he was one of Marco's football friends." I said as I took off my heels and sat up on the edge of my bed.

"He is, and Marco's best friend to add." Diana said. "Well I hope to never see this boy ever again, if I do I might as well throw up on him." I said gagging.

"Well then please don't throw up on him at Marco and I's wedding.." Diana said. "What do you mean at your wedding? What is HE going to be doing there?" I said frantically.

"Well he is going to be Marco's best man just like you will be my maid of honor. And he's a good guy once you get to know him." Diana mentioned while kissing her fiance Marco as he went off to training.

"Pfftt, I doubt it." I say rolling my eyes. "I wish I could get a relationship as you and Marco", I said as I slammed my back to my bed hearing the thud my back made with the bed.

"You will.. you just gotta look for him carefully, he's closer than you think. Anyway I got to go meet up with the florist for next month. Talk to you later muuaah." Diana said as she blew a kiss to the phone and then hung up.

"What does this crazy girl mean he's closer than I think?" I thought as I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast to get ready for work at my cafe shop.

Erik's POV

"Well that supposed 'date' was a bust.." I thought to myself. "As least some other chick whose name I can't remember wanted to hookup so ended up being a win for me." I thought as I went down to eat breakfast before training.

God, eating raw egg for protein is disgusting, coach Klopp's orders I guess, I thought as I finally got to my motorcycle and drove off to Signal Iduna Park.

While I entered to the locker room, the first thing I hear is "My best mate Erik!" Marco shouted ask he 'bro-hugged' me. "How was that date with Diana's best friend?" Marco asked smirking his ass off

. "Broo, she was major hot but when she started arguing on how she didn't want to ride on my motorcycle, I immediately got turned off. All girls have digged it except for her." I said.

"Really bro? that's why you didn't like her?" Matze said as he joined in our conversation. "Even I have seen her and who wouldn't want a shot at her? Might as well set me up with her Marco!" Matze said as he patted Marco's back.

"It was Diana's idea to set these two up but hey go visit her little cafe and get that chance mate." Marco said as he shaked Matze's shoulder as Matze smiled.

"Hey first of all, I already said she was hot but she argued too much." I said. "What did she argue about?" Marco asked taking out the dirt off his fingernails.

"Alright well first of all, she didn't want to get in my motorcycle so being the nice guy I am I gave her my helmet and she still refused so I give in and get in her little Audi which she mentions she would drive to the restaurant. And before she even starts the car, my phone starts ringing but I ignore it, and then it rings again so she tells me to answer and it's a hot chick asking to hook up. So she starts sweet talking me and of course I answer back and I stay talking to the chick for about 3 minutes. And next thing I know Rose tells me to get out of her car! That I was being too much of a jerk before we even got to the fucking restaurant! Can you believe that?" I tell Marco before I see I have a bunch of my other teammates listening behind me.

"Wow Durm looks like you got your period early!" Mats mentioned which made the whole locker room start cracking up.

"Yeah bro you kinda fucked up this one yourself," Marco said cracking up as he headed out to the pitch.

What even? I thought as I ran out on to the pitch before Jurgen blew his whistle to start training.

A/N: Hey guys! Well this was my prologue :D and as you can see Erik is not like his real life self as in this story, I decided to make him more of a ladies man even though we all know how shy he is in real life lol. And also you might have or not noticed that this story is based off of one of my favorite movies "Life As We Know It" it is such a great movie, I recommend it alooot. Anyway don't be afraid to comment your opinions and such, love you all :D

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