Book One: Chapter Three: Red Operating Room Sign

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Chapter Three: Red Operating Room Sign

That red operating sign is really unholy for me. You don’t really know what will happen a 50-50 chance of whether the person in it is at the gates of heaven or will stay on earth. All hopes are Vic would be fine after the operation. We were waiting at the waiting room outside the operating room. Me, Miku (Yep there’s more company) Markus and Trance. Yep there here with us. Of course we have a fight but this matter is different but the ambience was still there, a cold feeling that the person who is sitting in front of you is still angry at you. Well I hope that Trance found out what kind of girl Collie is I just hope.

“So” Miku broke the silence “When are you going to rehears? I can’t wait to see you play live again.” She asked Markus and Trance and gave a big smile. I though Markus and Trance was just going to ignore her. You see Markus and Trance are twins, and I know that they have the same thing running in their head but Trance is the short tempered guy and mostly the snobbish guy among us. But to my surprise they talked with us.

“Rehears?” Trance said raising an eye brow.

“Yeah, Spirit said that you will have a rehearsal right?” Miku said while pulling my sleeve. Miku don’t say that. I was only joking. You’re going to screw up the screw up.

“Is there still a Last Serenade band?” Trance said while crossing his arms and beaming at me. It felt like the situation seemed to get worse than before because of what Miku said. Damn my big mouth.

And then there was again another utter silence in the operating room. And then Trance now was the one who broke the silence.

“Hey Spi.” He said. “Who is this girl anyways?” he said while still crossing his arms at me and raising an eye brow.

“Yeah, Spi. We noticed that you spend a lot of time with her since that fight?” Markus said while leaning is his knees and beaming at me also.

So they noticed. You see after the fight Miku started to tail on me. I told them the whole details why Miku was with me all this time, why she was tailing me. That’s the only thing that I have told them. Of course I can’t tell them what happened yesterday.

“Oh, that’s seems doable.” Markus said straitening his body.

“Yeah” Trance said while uncrossing arms.

“Really?” I said, what on earth is happening? Just not a minute ago they are like trying to kill me with those devilish look and now there like cooperative. And then it hit me, I’m going to be silent; I’m going to let them spill their mistakes. “So?” I said to them.

“Okay! Okay! Damn it!” Trance said, traces of regret are visible in his face “Spirit” he gave out a big sigh. I knew I was the winner this time. “I’m… I’m… sorry.”  Yeah I won. “There I said it. Happy now.”

I just nodded. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” Trance said his voice was in a worried tone but my attention was at Markus and he knew that I was waiting for something. “Okay… Uhm… Spirit… I’m sorry too.” He said and I knew that today victory is mine.

“So I guess I also own an apology.” I said. “For not saying what kind of girl Collie was.” I said to the both of them.

“Nope, we figured out along the way.” Trance said

“Really? SO you don’t need my apology?”

“Nope, it was our fault that we have fallen into a trap that Collie set up.” Markus said.

“We found out that she was a user. You know pretending that she cares for you and suddenly, she was doing the same with other boys like she’s picking some king of rebound marathon. So sorry again man.” Trance was right that’s why I did what needs to be done.

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