Clear as Crystal

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Okay, I wrote this really fast, so it's not that good. Basically just a lot of fluff, but enjoy anyways! (If you see any mistakes, PLEASE comment! I will reply to you ASAP.)

Tony's POV

Nat, Wanda, Steve and I were all bent over in a huddle, creating our battle plan. "Steve, you've been in the army. I trust you to be over the cleaning process. All of you help him, and Bruce can continue his doctoring. I'm going to go back to Peter." There was no way I was leaving him again. "Everybody understand?"

"Clear as crystal," Wanda said.

"Yep," Natasha answered, popping the 'p'.

Steve just nodded his head.

"Okay. Let's go!" We separated ways, Steve and his cleaning crew going towards the elevator and me going back to Peter's room.

Peter's POV

"Hey, Pete, why don't you go to-"

I cut Mr. Banner off immediately. "I'm not leaving her." One second later, I blushed, realizing how rude that had been. "Sorry, I just-"

This time he cut me off. "No, you're right. I shouldn't make you leave her. You're physically and mentally exhausted. But at least try to get some sleep. There's no way you can be strong for her when your eyes refuse to stay open."

I looked over at MJ, her eyes closed and her breathing slow and relaxed. "Yeah, I'll try."

"Tell you what, I'm going to go get a bed from another room and bring it over here. That way you can sleep in an actual bed."

I smiled at his generosity. Ever since I came here, he had been so kind to me. I thought it was weird at first, since most people portrayed him as a mean, green giant. It only took me a week to learn that outer appearances did not define who you were on the inside.

"Okay, I'll be back in a jiffy."

Again, my eyes drifted over to where she laid. My heart broke for the 56th time that day (and yes, that was an actual number). Mr. Banner was right; I had to be strong till the very end. I would sleep, but if MJ awoke, I would be sure to be there for her. My eyelids slightly drooped as the word 'sleep' rang through my head. I fought the urge to rest, but my head rolled to the side as I drifted off into an unwanted but much needed sleep.

Tony's POV

I bumped into Bruce as approached the door. "How is he?" I searched his face for an answer, but all I saw was a lot of a worry. That made two of us worried.

"You mean Peter? Oh, Pete's fine. He's emotionally stressed more than anything. The person I'm most worried about is the girl. Her wounds-" 

My face went from relieved to worried as Bruce's voice broke. I put my arms around him (something the media would have gone crazy over if they got it on camera), and hugged him as he spoke.

"Her wounds are horrible. Any type of abuse, any sort of torture you name she's been through. I just can't believe how mentally messed up she is. She may never be normal again. From what I've seen, this has been going on for more than a couple of years." He went silent, but I could tell he wasn't finished. "Peter blames himself. He shouldn't, but he does. He might be as mentally messed up as MJ. I was just going to get a bed for him so he could sleep."

I peered through the window and smiled, Bruce still in my arms. 

He sighed, then stood straight up. "Do you want to help me get a bed?"

I put my finger to my lips, motioning for him to be quiet. Then I pointed to where Peter was, his eyes closed and his head to one side. "Guess he was more tired than we thought."

"Yeah, no kidding."

"We're still getting the bed?"


Bruce and I silently pushed the bed through the door and laid Peter on it. I made sure he had an Iron man blanket before I sat on the chair and joined them in their slumber.

Steve's POV

"Nat, you get the couch. Make sure there are no sticky spots! Wanda, you clean the kitchen. I'll clean the walls. When you're done, we'll meet in the kitchen to make snacks." Cleaning crew was officially on the job! 

We finished all the decorations in about 2 hours. I looked around. Oh, Peter was going to be so excited!!

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