Be Back in a Jiffy

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Peter's POV

I woke up, my brain still not fully awake. "Tony?" 

He was sleeping, his head rolled to the side, but it jerked up when he heard me. "Peter? Are you awake?"

MJ was still sleeping, her eyes closed and her lips sealed in a peaceful smile. She was going to be okay. I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded my head.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

I didn't want to bother them any more than I had to, but the truth? I was starving. Sure, I had eaten all of my dinner, but that had quickly diminished from my fast metabolism. "Yeah."

We kept our voices low so we wouldn't wake the sleeping beauty that lay before me, her breathing slow and steady. I could hear her heartbeat; it was beautiful, slow and strong.

Mr. Stark slipped out of the chair and helped me slide into a wheelchair. Then, he wheeled me out the door and down the hall.

"Where are you taking me?" I was sure he was going to push me out the front doors and tell me to never come back again. However, I had seen him fire people before, and I couldn't feel that vibe coming off from him. So, I decided to ask.

"You'll see."

Okay, this was definitely not what I expected.

The moment we stepped into the Avenger's Commons Room, I was in awe.

The smell in itself was enough to make one think they were in Valhalla. All the Avengers were there, smiling, laughing, and occasionally throwing food. It was as if nothing had happened. Just the normal, Saturday night party time. Minus the fact I was in a wheelchair. And the fact that half my thoughts were still about MJ. 

No one seemed to care that I had left without permission. They were so understanding, I felt like I was going to cry. 

1. I wasn't getting kicked out of the tower.

2. I still had a future here.

3. I could take care of MJ better.

We partied for 5 hours. 2 food fights, 2 and a half movies, and lots of good food cooked specially by Natasha. 

Afterwards, I went back to MJ, tired but not quite knocked out. Bruce gave me some medication he just finished up. Something about increased healing, but whatever it was, it worked. The next morning, I felt as good as new. MJ, well, MJ was safe. That's all that mattered right now.

It was perfect. Nothing was wrong. Everyone was happy, and their were no threats. So when MJ asked me to get her phone from the place she had previously lived, I didn't give it a second thought.

I swept through the window that I had done the night before. Her phone laid on the floor, splattered with some blood and sweat. Otherwise, it was fine. 1 minute and 30 seconds. That's all the time I had to spend there in that hell MJ was forced to live in.

My spidey sense suddenly blared in my ears. I furrowed my eyebrows. Turning, I tried to think about what might be wrong.

The needle punctured into my skin faster than I could react. By the time I understood what was happening, it was too late.

Turns out perfect should never be taken for granted.

Wow, that story line went by really fast. I couldn't think of anything else to write and I wanted to get to the epic part.

Sorry I haven't been updating, life has been hectic. However, as I know that excuse is used way to frequently, I will try my best to update more.

Warning!!! Next chapter will have A LOT of triggers. If you are sensitive to that, PLEASE DO NOT GO AHEAD AND READ IT. I will make a list of all the triggers at the beginning, but the chapter after that should also have a summary of what happened. You should be able to just read that and not be confused for the rest of the book.

Thank you for reading this! Hope you enjoy it. :)

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