The Scream

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Donnie's POV:

As me and my brothers walked through the streets of Now York City, our anticipation grew. Mikey has never been out this long alone before without calling us.

"Ugh, where is he?! We should be fighting the Kraang not looking for our mistake of a brother!!" Moaned Raph

"RAPH!!" Me and Leo yelled. "How could you be so selfish? Anyway it's your fault he ran away because you started the stupid argument! Now he could be captured by the Kraang or by Shredder!" I added.

"Oh shut up shellbrain! It's Leo's fault for getting involved!"

"What how's it my fault?!"

The two began to argue. Usually I am chill with fights and just sort things out but I guess I was just at my breaking point. I mean who wouldn't when their youngest brother is missing and thier brothers are arguing?

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!?! MIKEY'S MISSING AND YOU'RE ARGUING LIKE TODDLER'S!!!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes.

My brothers stared at me in shock. I had never yelled like that before and to be honest I was shocked myself. In that moment of silence an ear piercing scream...

Mikey's scream...

"Guys, did you hear that?" Asked Raph, with a slight hint of fear in his voice. I was shocked to hear Raph scared. Usually he was the strong, powerful brother, not scared. I brushed of this feeling and replied.

"Yeah... what was that?"

"Um guys... was it just me or did that sound like Mikey?..."

"Oh yeah! We've got to find him! He might be hurt!" Exclaimed Raph


And so we set of, following where the sound came from.

"It came from over here!" I informed.

"Well just great!" Raph said sarcastic, as I pointed to a large area of New York.

"Um guys?" Leo said nervously.

"Yeah?" I asked, confused of why

"Isn't Shredder's lair over there? What if that's where the scream came from?" 

That stopped us in our tracks. If the scream did in fact come from Shredder's lair, there is a high chance Mikey is injured or even... no...

Leo noticed our scared faces as realization hit us.

"We've got to find to find him! We check Shredder's lair first!" Said Leo, taking leadership like always.

So we set off to find our Ototo, our sunshine and most importantly our youngest brother. We felt the stone roofs under our feet and the wind going by our faces, blowing the tails of our bandanas around.

But we weren't focused on that. We were focused on finding our brother, and the new scream echoing thought the dark, uninhabited streets of night time New York City...

...Oh Ototo... where are you?...

Sorry this wasn't a very interesting chapter but if you were confused the bots (the duplicates) are made by Shredder. Sorry it that wasn't clear😅

Bai and thanks for 40 reads!
Bai et c'est pour 40 lectures!
Bai y eso es por 40 lecturas!

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