41: Choice

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Elijah never had a surname, being orphan had it's own facts, but Elijah loved the title he got from a short and slimy girl, whose bed was next to him.

Her name was Julina.

She was younger than him, a bit unaware, some may call it innocence but he call it foolishness. One glance and he knew it that she wouldn't have survived without an anchor, perhaps that's why he was always there with her, pushing her around, scowling down at her.

He saw a glint in her eyes, a blasting fire which would ignite the forest to ashes. 

And he desperately wanted to crush it by his worn out big shoes, like he used to stomp the nib of his finished cigarette. She irked his nerves. 

Like a thirsty dog he did lapped on her innocence, using her as a path to exchange drugs, molding her the way he like, and what not.

But he, in the abacus of midnight whispers, which they shared or between shoots of anderline, or among the aberrant glances, abashed peeks on cheek, soundless chuckles, dizzy minds, he fell for her. And he fell harder than his fancies.

And soon he couldn't abide a moment without presence of the  young girl.

The girl he was bounded, called him her knight.

"Ah...." Elijah sighed, gazing over his shoulder, he felt his senses being abducted at her wide open green orbs glaring at his standing posture.

"Didn't thought you would see me again? Hnn?" Elijah inhaled the air, deeply scented with medicine, he didn't cringe at the abhorrent smell of antibiotics.

Instead he felt like a teenage punk drinking illegally under the bleachers for the first time, he wanted to sop up his emotions, wiping himself off from the ridiculous trance. 

She didn't utter a word, she didn't had to.

"Why so quiet?" There wasn't any sneer or guilt in it, Elijah was being sincere.

Elijah did wanted to curse himself, bang his head against the white washed walls, but he abstained, he was abjected, wretched without her,

He was here with her paralysed form from past six months, Doctors had informed him about her improvement, and he wanted to be there with her. 

Her presence provoked his abstruse feeling, he wasn't afraid to act like a freak.

For first time a stillness in the room settled, which creeped under his skin,

"So you won't talk?" Elijah on his heels, fleeting to erase the distance stretched between him and on hospital bed, on which she was laying.

Anxiety bolted in her eyes, she panicked, tears coating her red brims of waterline, she hopelessly tried to move her hands to defend herself from the attack.

But Elijah wasn't going to attack, never again, but it didn't forbear him from loving, the fear staining her eyes.

He could see the shiver in her scarped skin, he pulled the side of his lips up, into a lobe side smile.

"I have missed you." He breathlessly said, her misery always make him high.

She suspiciously was glaring at him, but her dried and chapped lips didn't abide a word to pass.

"I have something, which can get you to speak." Elijah being enthusiastic, pulled out a chair,  and sat on it.

Elijah touched her pale wrist, but she harshly snatched away, trying her best to move away.

Her paper skin, brown hair idlly scattered on the pillowcase, lifeless eyes, blood feebly being pushed around her twig like green, purple veins.

She was portrait of perfection and beauty, he felt similar flutter in his heart.

"Imagine a gun being pointed at" he paused just to relish in her desperation, "your son" he heard her sharply inhaling, "and on your niece.... the one whom you named Alina, remembered?"

She nodded, now afraid to make any noise.

"One of them should be dead by tomorrow, tell me the name, whom I shouldn't shot" Elijah held his hand up,

"Elijah," her meek voice, rough around the edge; probably from harsh throat. 

"Three." His word produced slight resonance.

"Please stop this." She pleaded, she knew Elijah never fudged around, he was serious.

"Two" he was proud, he loved the authority, he had over others,  it was a game to him.

"How do you accept me to choose!" She wailed, he very well knew that she affectionately adored little daughter of her little sister.

"One" He laughed when Julian screamed a choice which he wasn't expecting and made his decision more easy.


Assalamu alikum.

It was my sister's wedding, sorry to be late.

it's second last or third last chap.

What do ya thoughts about ending, please do tell me.

Allah hafiz


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