47: Losing (part 1)

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Bed creaked loudly, Sarah bounced again, vivid red and yellow of her locks leaped along her resting on her shoulders, her dyes had now began to wash away, her natural dark brown invading her roots,

Now there remains highlights of more blenched strands, which shimmered under hazed glow of blub.

"Sarah, Quit it," Alina scowled her, the waved bounce in mattress, had her muscles stretch, her fine white scar itched with each movement.

The world has been kind to her after the injury, she almost felt the fate was hiding behind the woods, like a shadow, waiting for her to be on ease to strike yet once again with brutality. 

Sarah pouted, but stilled, yet a shallow oscillation in her body, her  painted hairs swinging, short enough to brush her shoulders, hands coiled around her feet.

Over the time, she learned that Sarah's childishness, dusted off the memories of Hanna, the memories were painful remainder of her past, which she was more than willing to hold on,

"I just can't believe, I got his number," Sarah again for tenth times in a row repeated her words, but neither did the spark of her eyes, nor the shine of her toothy grin dimmed.

Alina rested her head in Sarah's lap, as her fingerstips stroked Alina's scalp.

"His parents accurately." Alina feigned arrogance, the classic 'told you so look' but Sarah's excitement didn't wavered,

Alina was froced to slit her face, making space for a hige grin, the corner of her eyes crinkled, she chuckled out her happiness. 

"I am so marrying Zain" hands clutching shoulders, Sarah hugged herself, squealing, as pure joy enhanced her imagination.

Alina laughed along her, with no actual reason.

Is this what feel like afterwar,

Alina winterz in her whole life had fought three wars,

On first she lost,


An innocent peck,

"I love you Mavi... stay with me."

A broken boy

"Go away Zia!"

A Girl caught

"Must say I am impressed, but how did you find me."

A trust broken,

"Well, Your romeo helped a lot,"

On second, she lost


Twins gifted to a mother

"Ali, promise me something."

"I promise my life, Alina"

A warrior dying protecting

"Where is my family!"

"We are sorry for your lose,"

On third,....

She halted, her laugh like every blooming flower wilted, darkening around the edge, falling off the stem,

Petal by petal.

"Whom am I to you, Damien."


Her pupil expand, as her gazed unleashed by time, see beyond the facade of smiles and tears.

Brutal memories,

"I never meant to love her, Blue,"

Was he planing revenge,

"You don't know pain, Blue, you definitely don't know love,"

A boy named light, brought darkness,

"Who am l?"

"Damien knight, Son of Elijah --"

"Mavi! Who am I!"


And on the third she lost


"Will you leave me if I love you,"


"What does it take you to leave me alone."

"Your death."

Love that she never claimed as her own.

"Alina," the fingers in her hair, seized strolling,  "what's wrong?"

"Where is he?"

Alina abruptly stood up, legs crossed, shoulders still, facing her, gazing reality. 

"Who?" Something in her expression told Alina that she already knew.



Where is my Zia,

"Where's Damien?"

Sarah looked at the plain glass of window, somewho, for the first time noticing the darkness,

"Oh, it's getting dark, I should be going now,"

Sahar began stuffing her bag with stray books, some her own, some Alina's.

Hands clutching hands, Alina stopped her hurried movement,


It was ironic, how the tables turn so fast, there was a time when Zia was desperately looking for his Mavi, and now...

"It isn't pleasant, " She toyed with her fingers, tossing an digit over another.

"I am not expecting it to be," Alina encourage, deep down she wished for his departure, it would be better than the alternative.

"He comes to college, everyday."

Her eyes widen in horror, 


The stem broke, 

Not allowed to hold a died flower.

"Why hasn't he contacted me?"

Does he not care, now

"I don't know Alina," tugging locks behind ear, moisturising dry lips, Sarah never leveled her eyes, hidding, "I am sorry but I need to leav--"

"How long he has been coming to college." She cemented herself, and only Allah know how hatd was that,

"After they released him, about two months now,"

What was I even thinking?

"Thank you for being here" as soon as Sarah was granted permission to leave she fleet, leaving her

But not alone.

She had his memories.

"Will you ever love me, Mavi"

"Never in my life, Damien."

"Not even after your death."

"Not even after yours."

She never wiped a tear, sacredly sliding down her flush cheek, because the rain had just started.


It's too short because I am too wired,

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Allah Hafiz


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