49: flares of Blue

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His thoughts run better under the shades of stilled darkness, a little less obnoxious, and dramatic, 

Now his life had dimmed to a certain point, where black was the only peaceful colour which reminded him so a certain blue.

His eyes were open, blank of reality, he couldn't close them, even if he had taped them shut,

The walls had witnessed him gazing into nothingness for entire night,

A life without her,

Endless thoughts and characters he didn't know till now, which were hidden in him, had given him opinions on his pitiful scenario.

without any pain, any distress no longing, no begging,

Debts after debts, voices making sound of disapproval, some convincing, some threatening, echoing and whispering in certains part of his mind,

Damien had named some voices, as his conscience, as his revenge, his logic and his craze.

but in the box of his memories, there were merely cries of pain, and agony, of a young boy who had unintentionally declared unwanted love, trapping him forever.

That had kept Damien mortified, he didn't want to fall again when he falling out of love.

But a life without her.

He heaved a deep sigh in the air, releasing a shuddered had racked, his white bones, he feared that it would be his last breath.

The blaring sound of alarm shattered the revolting silence, out of habit, he reached for his phone buried under soft pillow; to sweep his alarm shut,

But he seized his fingers, reminding himself, it was the best way to wake up Kyle.

His phone buzzed, giving off unpleasant vibration, so he quietly kept it on the floor, turning it up side down.

He waited patiently, somewhat preparing his ears drum for the yelling,

The alarm was set a revolting, loud sound which went on for a minute, then another,

Then another,



"Make it stop," kyle growled, like a lithal animal, caged behind iron rid for the first time,

"Get used to it,"

The blub light was dim, barely luminating the room, to visualise the outlines of features.

Kyle shifted under his covers, swiftly flipping his pillow above his head, pressing it against his ears,

Damien increased the volume before setting the device down again,

"Not today, it's too early!" Kyle screaming, kicking his legs on his mattress aggressively,

"Come on, we have to pray before the sun gets up,"

Kyle groaned, sneering curses, he screamed in the softness of cotton, before tugging the pillow away, and shooting, him a grimaced look,

Lips pulled away from teeth, he sneered at Damien, like a true animal, 

"This is your last chance," kyle threatened, as he got up bluntly, his eyes narrowed on the device laid on the floor, still unaware and obediently preforming his honoured duty.

Kyle kicked it, it slided under Damien bed, immediately shutting off,

Damien eyed him wryly, the light was just enough to give away Kyle's ferocious glare at him, he was challenging him, to a fight,

If Kyle knew anything about Damien was that he never backed out of a challenge, never as welcoming as his own.

Kyle was eagerly awaiting for the other boy to shove him against the wall, throwing punches and crusing him to devil and hell,

Kyle could hear how his jaws would break under the pressure and speed of a fist, this would give him a out of the agonising rotation with Damien.

Damien glared, a scowl pulling his features, before gradually disappearing,

Kyle wasn't being over dramatic, the first time Damien had asked him to tug along to mosque.  He was extremely furious and confused then, nothing compare to this,

Damien knew he was just being rebellious, like very common toddler, who couldn't understand religion yet, and Damien was more than happy to raise him as his own.
"Go get a shirt, the sun won't wait for us."

Kyle was momentarily shocked, he shock his head in dismissal, "I damn had told you, to stay away from her, now that girl had gotten into your head,"

Kyle shuffled off to the desk, bumping into the chair, blindly roaming his hands over the desk for a shirt, knocking off pens, muttering incoherent words,

Damien scoffed before propping up, switching on the light to full.

Kyle shielded his eyes using his hand, pulling a shirt over his head,

"It's not the girl, it's her religion,"

Damien hopped off his bed, carefully taking two new, neat, colourful prayer mats, and swooping down to spread them between the space of their beds.

"Whatever man," Kyle dismissed him, with a wave of his hand, "Remind me why am I doing this again," Kyle rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Because you are stuck with me as a friend, and you owe me." Damien stood on the foot of his mat, crooking a finger at Kyle to summon him,

"I am dying to get out of this froced friendship." Kyle huffed, standing next to him,

"Admit it that you love when I recite." Damien gave a sardonic smile to his way,

"Oh, get started already, how many, do we have." Kyle craned his neck to get it free from rigid muscle knots, and cramps.

"it's Fajar, so two and two, four rakats."

Both the boys got delve into worshiping their Lord, one froced and one willing, offered their obligatory duties.

Damien's heart druming against his folded hands, beneath the layers of skin and bone,

Damien knew he was getting closer, he was getting better,

The flares of blue, flashed cross this mind, and in the moment purity, he forgived everyone,

Damien recited loud for Kyle to hear and follow up with him, both the humans were enchanted with the verses of a foreign tongue,

"Damien?" Kyle asked in genuine curiosity, right after they had offered their last two rakats,

"Yea?" Damien was starting to go from his kneeling position to cross legged.

"Why didn't we wash our arms and face today?"

"It's called wudu,"

"Yeah! That's wudu,"

"Kyle?" Damien asked with a warning ting in his tune.

"What?" Kyle knew something was wrong.

"We have to pray again."

"Kill me now."


Save me now.


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