Cell Games Part 5

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A/N My phone is still broken so this is a one time thing but I don't want too leave you guys hanging

Both Cell an Y/N took off at each other yelling out a battle cry (Y/N's was more a a roar). Cell having a speed and power advantage easily nailed Y/N with a powerful blow sending Y/N flying through the air. Cell calculated that even someone with a power level much higher then Y/N's would of died from the blow and let his guard down. Instantaniously Y/N bolted out from where he landed and his punch narrowly missed Cell. 

Cell: 'How did he survive? Why does his power not stop growing?'

Y/N began punching in a frenzy but Cell easily dodged.

Cell: "This idiot has forgotten how to fight, this isn't even a challenge"

Cell began to punch Y/N in rapid succession and Y/N couldn't dodge let alone block even one of his punches. Cell then sent out a strong kick that sent Y/N flying back. Y/N landed and rushed back. Cell smirked and through out a careless punch thinking Y/N couldn't counter it. Cells eyes widened with concerned as his punch was being dodged.

Cell: 'Impossible, he's learning how to fight right now, along with his power growing I got to end this now-'

Cells thoughts were interrupted by Y/N landing a solid blow. Before Cell could even recover Y/N was attacking in a ruthless manner. Y/N punches and kicks increased with power and speed every second and Cell was struggling to dodge. Furious, Y/N scratched out both of Cells eyes using claws that had randomly grown. Cell screamed in pain as Y/N took advantage of Cells temporary blindness and began too rack up damage on cell using every ounce of strength and speed, not showing any mercy. 

Just as Cells eyes grew back Y/N grabbed Cells leg and began slamming him on the ground earning screams of pain from Cell.

Watch Video Start At 0:20

Cell was sent flying away and landed hard on the ground.

Cell quickly realized the best course of action. He knew that Y/N was still currently weaker than him and if Y/N was hit by his Kamehameha Y/N would be torn apart in an instant. Cell stood up and said.

Cell: "It was fun fighting you Y/N but I'm afraid this little charade is over. BEGONE!"

Cell launched a Kamehameha and Y/N released a beam from his mouth. Cell quickly overpowered Y/N and the Kamehameha was almost upon Y/N when time seemed to freeze.

???? / ????: "Y/N!"

Voices from deep inside Y/N's insane mind kept calling out. Y/N investigated them and recognized them. Goku and Trunks.

Inside Y/N's head

Y/N: "T-Trunks? G-Goku?"

Trunks: "The one and only!"

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