Edd x Ell.

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If there was one thing a Gould could never get burnt out from, it's the delectable taste of the fizziest beverage out there — Coca-Cola. It was rare for the refrigerator to lack those ruby cans, and today was most certainly not one of those instances.

An eager grin spread across Edd's face as his ears could practically pick up the soda's call of his name, digits just eager to take advantage of the drink up for grabs. The second he stepped forth into the kitchen, he allowed his entire body to be filled with pure bliss, eyes falling shut as his senses led him to the base of the fridge. Gripping the handle and pulling the door ever-so lightly, his chocolate orbs fixated on the substance he felt passion for the most, not wasting a second to extend an arm out and take it into his custody.

However, someone else had the same idea. Instead of the cold metal sinking in his palm, a warm hand was felt in his own, causing his features to scrunch with sudden distaste. The whole 'looking in a mirror' thing was getting pretty old in his eyes — of course it was his female counterpart after the same beverage! He usually didn't mind sharing with her, but the problem here was . . . this was the last can of Coke. An expression of pure shock was present on both their faces, nerves tensing up for a moment as they froze.

". . . Um, Ell—?", questioned the male with caution, slowly arching a brow as his gaze flickered from her to the can in a repetitive fashion.

"E-Edd. . ?" Ell retaliated softly, a faint cherry hue coating her cheeks. Oh, why did this boy have to be so damn charming? She couldn't help but swoon when he was in her presence! And that, of course, led to naïvety and easy manipulation — but that was never the case with cola.

After a few seconds of intense staring and unsettling silence, both brunettes yanked at the can from opposing sides, canines gritted as agitated grunts tore past them. "Let go!", a female voice demanded; "no, you let go!", yelled back a much deeper voice. Soon, this little game of tug-a-war turned into a physical brawl, though only blind kitten slaps were performed.

It wasn't until the Coke can was slapped out of both their grasps that things began to heat up between the two addicts. Edd, after sinking to his knees, began rapidly crawling towards the fallen object, but his actions were put to a halt by Ell. She resorted to desperate measures by tackling him and attempting to crawl over his back, but he grabbed her by the ankles and forced her back down.

The next few moments were spent by the doppelgängers trampling over one-another under a mutual goal to claim the soft drink, up until Edd's patience had finally run dry. Once he took control over the brawl, he remained on top of her instead of trying again at beating her to the finish line, hands taking sleeved wrists in their grasp and pinning them to the floor.

It took a literal millisecond for Ell's features to heat up once more, countenance radiating deep crimson like the aftermath of a scorching sun. Her lungs ceased to function as her heart proceeded to hammer away at her ribcage, desperately forcing her attention to the ice-cold beverage she itched to drown in her system. "E-Edd, what are you doing?!"

The Coke can was only a few feet away from the young adults, though only Edd's decision prevented them both from receiving it. "This is my dimension, which means it's my—!" He cut himself off, taking a real look at the girl below him for the first time that day. She looked beautiful; those shimmering brown eyes, that soft, dark hair . . . green truly was a good color on her.

Unlike before, this silence was peaceful, though it brought mild concern to Ell nevertheless. As he watched her chew on her lower lip, Edd's blush slowly made its way to matching hers, gaze flickering from her eyes down to her lips. At this point, the cola can was at the very back of both their minds. Edd slowly began to lean down, inching his face closer to hers. His lips then pressed down softly against hers in a passionate kiss. A blissful squeak left Ell's chords before she returned the gesture, leaning her head up to deepen it.

His grip on her arms loosened, giving Ell the opportunity to free them and wrap them around his neck, pulling him down closer — which earned a surprised moan from the taller brunette. The kiss slowly departed seconds later, as Edd only pulled away far enough to lay his forehead over hers.

"Ell, I. . I don't think I've told you this before, but. . . I think I love you," he confessed, tone leveled at a faint whisper while he was regaining oxygen. Now that Ell wasn't the only blushing mess in the room, he started rambling as his heart's contents were being spilled out as confessions. "You're an amazing person. . You're exactly like me! You're beautiful, intelligent, and such a fun person to be around. . . You're absolutely swell, and I'd be damned if you ever leav—"

He was cut off as something soft pressed against his lips; it was another kiss, by a girl with tears gushing down her rosy cheeks and shoulders shaking like a chihuahua. With his feelings taken into account, Edd didn't hesitate to kiss her back, hands cradling her face prior to pulling her body closer to his. The kiss soon evolved into a full make-out session, fueled by all passion and built up desire. Ell's heart skipped with glee as this occurred, wrapping her legs around the male's waist and cracking several smiles in the moment. Just as a moan was about to slip, Edd slowly broke the kiss and pulled away, smiling dreamily down at her.

"I love you too, Edd," she murmured, mirroring his smile as her chocolate orbs were only half-lidded like those of her counterpart. Her heart nearly melted completely . . . up until she remembered the cola can lying lifelessly on the floor just a few meters away, causing her aching smile to finally transform back into a frown. Concerned, Edd's countenance was instant to match hers, along with his focus fixating back over to what caused this scene in the first place.

"Oh, right. . um, you can have it. If you want," he muttered, not much confidence present in his tone of voice. Ell wanted to be overjoyed by the sweet gesture, but was being meddled by guilt instead. "But what about you? I know how much you love cola, and—"

"It's okay. Really," Edd interrupted with a sigh, hiding his irrational pain behind a quite unconvincing smile. Planting a soft kiss on the center of her forehead before getting off of her. He helped her up in the most awkwardly-charming fashion possible, gripping her hand lightly and even stroking his thumb tenderly over her knuckles. "I love you more."

Blush returning at full force, a wistful sigh slipped from Ell's smile as she slowly retracted her hand and strolled away to retrieve the fallen beverage. Edd may or may not have snuck a subtle glance at her posterior while she was bending over to pick it up, in which he quickly covered up by whistling and glancing away. A small smirk was given by Ell in response to such.

Though, the satisfying 'click' of the can's pop top caused a lightbulb to illuminate in her brain, her smile blossoming in confidence for the first time that evening. "Wait!" She chirped, catching her love interest's attention once more. "I have an idea."

* * *

Minutes passed, and the two green-hooded brunettes were settled at the kitchen table, across from one-another with one hand extended out to pile atop the other's. The bruised and battered can was throned in the center of the both of them, two metal straws sticking out like a pair of antennas. The fizzy cola was sipped graciously through both of their smiles, pupils almost resembling hearts. A perfect solution for two Coke-addicts in love.

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