Tord x Tori.

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"Hm . . wouldn't it be fun if we could all go to Hell," pondered a man with 'horned' caramel hair, voice laced with a rich Norwegian accent. He was one among the four males kicked back on a sofa, crimson-sleeved limbs folded behind his cranium as he merely smirked up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, but how would we even get here?", inquired another in a remarkable green hoodie, a can of Coca-Cola gripped firmly in hand. Suddenly, a quartet of lightbulbs cycled in illuminating each of their brains . . except for the one on the end, ginger-headed with a bright purple hoodie on, of whom only received an 'idea' that consisted of a hamster scrambling on a wheel.

After ultimately using the Google search engine like the complete geniuses they were, an elevator arose from the floor, marked with a glowing pentagram and two metal doors as its exterior was traced with a fiery blood-red. Six pairs of shoes crumbled against the wooden floor as three males raced towards said elevator; Edd, Matt, and a rather dull character marked with a blue hoodie and an alcohol problem, Tom.

Tord, our dear Norwegian, hadn't moved from his spot all except for claiming the computer chair, distracted by a mindless advertisement promoting a hentai simulator game. "Well, hello~ What do we have here?" A dark snicker rolled off his tongue as he very precariously slid the cursor over to the window, giving it a rather confident click. Though, he lost complete interest as soon as they had asked for his credit card information.

"Goddammit," he muttered, giving the monitor an irritated roll of his dark optics before slamming his fist on the power button. His mind immediately snapped back into reality once he whirled around and noticed that the elevator had vanished. "What the . . did those assholes really leave without me?!"

* * *

"Wait a minute," a soft voice broke the beyond awkward silence folding into the small elevator space, grabbing the attention of Matt and . . barely Tom; he just continued taking occasional swigs of his flask. "Where's Tord?"

"Yeah! I thought he was with you—!" Matt proclaimed, switching arms as he pointed at both Edd and Tom, only earning lazy shakes of the heads in return.

"Good riddance," Tom murmured, not a single trace of concern in his tone of voice, "we don't need that fucking commie around, anyway." Edd only widened his eyes as Matt let out a distressed scream, mainly from the drop of the 'F' bomb, while the eyeless male just shrugged it off and took another mouthful of his Smirnoff.

* * *

"I'll teach them not to leave me behind next time," muttered an angry Tord as he loaded his submachine gun with a new set of ammo, additionally cursing under his breath as well. Cracking his knuckles, he lit up a cigar and planted it at the corner of his smug grin before making his way back towards the computer. Not exactly remembering the exact link to the website Edd used, he decided to wing it and click on the first one he saw — underneath the specific Google search of 'elevators that go to Hell without hentai porn websites.'

It worked! Another elevator crawled out from the wooden planks, but it looked slightly different. A communism badge took the place of the pentagram, instantly entrancing Tord and luring him in. "Ye-hes! See you in Hell, motherfuc—"

Wait . . was that a mirror on the wall? Tord had only seen mirrors in elevators in, like, Japan, so this was fairly puzzling. However, he just scoffed and went with the flow, kicking the heel of his boot onto one of the buttons while leaning smugly against the wall. Taking a drag of his cigar, he blew out the smoke on the mirror's reflective surface while examining it, smirking at the scar on his collarbone. What a fun fight to remember; it was satisfying dislocating Tom's shoulder those months ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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