Matt x Matilda.

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"Now, say 'indubitably!'" A chipper male voice exclaimed, followed by an episode of giggles from a voice much higher in pitch than the previous one. The two gingers, absorbed in their own ridiculous self-love and glamour, posed dramatically every few seconds as selfies were snapped by a casual iOS11. Most were taken together, some in the privilege of a shared mirror, though very few of the 'portfolio' was filed with personal portraits.

"That was great! Another successful photo shoot by two of the most beautiful faces in the world~." Matt hummed with glee, tucking his cellular device back into the safety of his back pocket.

"Yeah!", chirped his female counterpart, Matilda, with an equate amount of said glee, before a soft gasp cracked from her pearlescent grin, "but wait! Since you're an alternate version of me, and I'm an alternate version of you . . wouldn't that make us the most beautiful faces in BOTH WORLDS?"

That same gasp then emitted softly from Matt's pipes, seafoam irises glimmering due to admiration of such a wonderful virtue. "You're right! Who knew that I—well, we—were so smart~ we're the best of both worlds!"

Such an honor! Though, as much as she fully agreed with it, Matilda was struggling to take his statement seriously. Light snorts poked out of her continuous giggles, leaving Matt a tad confused on the matter. However, it was inevitable that he joined in on her laughter, as it was just so contagious! . . Edd (Ell), Tom (Tamara), and Tord (Tori) were somehow immune to it, though.

"Is that so, Hannah Montana?" Matilda teased as her rich English accent stood out from her inquiry, wiping a tear away with her index digit. Matt's cheeks flushed bright bubblegum upon his realization, before a playful smirk appeared on his 'princely' features. "Well, you know what they say . . . 'it's the CLIMB!!!'"

That being said, Matt was quick to anchor his hands on her hips, only to pull her close and begin savagely tickling the sensitive spot on one of said hips; this, in favor, caused Matilda's giggling to erupt into uncontrollable laughter, body already convulsing from the overstimulation. Considering everything was a game to these two, no harm was to be intended. After a set of agonizing seconds, Matilda broke free of his clutches and began to run away, heading towards the sliding door that led to the backyard. "Hey! Get back here, you!" The male redhead ordered playfully above her constant laughter, making haste to chase after her.

"You can never tickle me again!" She declared, the smile practically able to be heard in her voice.

"Oh, I can! And I will!"

Once the lookalikes were out in the fresh air of the backyard, they wasted a good amount of time running in circles, one chasing after the other, right until the taller of the two activated a braincell and decided to speed up the process to his victory by tackling Matilda down and onto the plush grass. Taking advantage of his position on top, he didn't waste a single millisecond to continue where he left off, attacking that same spot on her lower diaphragm with affectionate tickles while seamlessly holding her down. He caught the same epidemic as before, matching up with Matilda's laughter to a 'T.'

"S-Stop tickling meeeeee. . !" She pleaded with a pristine lack of oxygen due to investing every ounce of her energy into laughing, enclosing her grip upon several blades of grass. Her feet continued to kick, however, though it had little effect as Matt seemed very dedicated to torturing her in the most innocent and adorable way possible.

"Never~!" He exclaimed sharply in response, leaning down to nuzzle his cheek lightly against the top of her crown during the tickle segment. See, there were two precise reasons why he liked messing with Matilda . . . first and foremost, he loved hearing her laugh! On the other hand . . he loved hearing her laugh. God, it was so pretty . . It could very much be music to his ears, and only a second of it gracing his senses was enough to make his heart skip a beat.

Of course, it was impossible for him to tickle her forever and until the end of time — as much as he wanted to; so, still hovering over her, he very cautiously put his mischief to a halt, instead planting both hands down on the grass, just on either side of her cranium. Matilda quickly attempted at regaining oxygen for the first time in what very much felt like forever, giving her doppelgänger a playful shove on the shoulder as 'revenge' for what she'd gone through — too weak to turn the tables and begin tickling the life out of him. "You're the worst!" She wheezed, earning cocky laughter from the male Hargreaves.

It only took a few moments of silence for the both of them to realize just what they've got themselves in; both their visages radiated crimson almost simultaneously. Their playtime made them oblivious to the fact that Matt's body was totally on top of hers, knees anchored on either side of her hips as his hands were doing the same exact thing but upwards, completely caging her in and against the grass.

". . . Um," he spoke, tone a lot less fun than minutes prior and significantly reluctant, "c-can I try something? I-I promise it won't be more tickling—."

"S-Sure, okay. . ." Matilda murmured in reply, just as hesitant as her entity. Her blush darkened as she watched those gorgeous emerald orbs scan her similar yet more feminine features, biting her lower lip as to hold back a flustered smile. She listened to him inhale softly, bringing a sense of calm to her demeanor as well — not so her heart.

Suddenly, the least thing she was expecting happened . . . his lips locked with hers! It was a kiss! Not once has she ever experienced a thing, and based on the fact that Matt was a male version of herself, she could easily draw the conclusion that he hasn't, either . . but then, why was he so good at it? The way both their lips moved in sync . . it was almost too perfect.

An overjoyed squeal left Matilda's pipes as she eagerly returned the kiss; almost as if this gesture spiritually passed on confidence to her partner, Matt retaliated by leaning down even further and tilting his head to deepen it — not without giving a smile, of course. One hand retracted from the grass and ran its slender digits through her strawberry strands, shivering a bit due to how soft they felt in his hand. Whereas Matilda attached both hands on the collar of his green overcoat, clutching it gingerly with a slight sign of desperation. He acknowledged this with a rise of plucked eyebrows, but slowly allowed his eyes to fall shut.

Immediately after her slender limbs enveloped around his neck, Matilda took the opportunity to flip their positions, catching Matt by surprise as he now realized that his back was now pressed against the grass . . but he let it happen. As the kiss slowly departed, Matilda gave him the sweetest, most vulnerable smile there possibly can be . . which was a bit alarming, not gonna lie. These suspicions were correct as—

Oh, no!

"No! No, not the face!!" Matt began pleading through—yup—laughter, as Matilda began relentlessly tickling the spot on his hip, just as he did to her just moments ago. "I'm not even touching your face, you silly goose!" She remarked in that rich buttery accent of hers, continuing her assault while very cleverly leaning downward to pepper tender kisses all over said face. "But now I am~!"

Well, Matt's greatest fear had been faced! . . Quite literally; no pun intended. Though, washing off lipstick stains marked by love might not be so much of a nightmare, after all.

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