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I calmly walked to my locker, nothing but the sound of my shoes tapping on the floor echoed throughout the halls.

I approached the light violet locker, grabbing the lock as I put in the combination.

The Echo Of small chuckles came from behind me.

"Hello?" I said As I spun around, only to be backed up against the Locker By Reo.

"Reo-Kun, You asshole. You scared me-!" I squeaked as I Hit him in the chest.

"Ow-!"He chuckled.

I sighed as I apologized, turning around grabbing my books from my locker and putting them in my bookbag.

" You wanna come over today-?"Reo smirked as he wrapped his arms around my neck hugging me from behind.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do." I sighed as I closed my locker.

Reo and I walked through the halls on our way to the exit, chatting about small stuff like the ratchet girls in the school and mimicking people.

What is this odd feeling, I feel?
Do I like Reo...No, I can't.
I'll just ask Chisara when I return home. She's good with Boy problems.

Reo opened the door, standing behind it.

"After you, My Friend." He said making a hand motion out the door.

I politely bowed and walked past the entryway.

°      •      °     •     °      •      °     •     °      •      °    
Time Skip To Approaching Reo's House.

I snickered as he spun me around on his back.

"Reo-Kun, Put me Dooownn~! It's raining!" I playingly whined as he ran inside his house closing the door after him.

"Fine~," He said as he set me down.

I removed my bookbag, putting it on the closet rack. Then Bending over to unlace my sneakers, tucking them away against the wall, finishing up with my shoes, watching as Reo struggled.

I sighed as I got on my knees, slapping his hand away, unlacing his shoes myself.

"Heh, thanks." Reo coughed as he hung his head down, watching me.

"Whatever." I scoffed as I stood up, finding myself almost touching Lips with Reo.

"Last one upstairs is a loser-!" Reo smirked breaking the silence as he ran towards the stairs.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. Not so fast, Come Here Reoko." A familiar voice spoke from the kitchen.

(An/ His Name is Pronounced Re-Yo-Ko)

Reo sighed as he turned around walking to the kitchen, Me Following him. Reo stood behind the counter as His mother cooked what seemed to be
Preparing Taiyaki.

" Hello, Sweetie."Mrs.Suzuki Greeted me with a smile

" Hello."I lightly Nodded and Smiled Back.

" I'm preparing Taiyaki, Would you two like some?H-huh? Why are you too soaked. Go on, dry off or you'll get fever" She turned around Smiling at us.

"Alright-!" Reo Studdered as he grabbed me by the wrist pulling me along upstairs.

"Goodbye, Mrs.Suzuki-!" I politely smiled as Reo pulled me upstairs.

He opened the door pushing me in gently and following after me, locking it behind him, sighing.

Overwhelming AnxietyWhere stories live. Discover now