Untitled Part 1

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Harrison: You're ugly

Preston: Why must you attack me with words?

Harrison: Do you want me to use rocks?


David: You didn't have a happy childhood?

Nurf: My favorite toy was a knife. You finish the puzzle


Max: Sometimes, I don't realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird


Daniel: Well if it isn't David

David: But it is me

Daniel: No, it's an expression-

David: Your evil tricks won't work on me


Preston: That's okay. I take criticism really well.

Harrison: ....No you don't

Preston: What's that supposed to mean?

Nerris: Just...You don't take criticism very well



Max to David: Alright, let's tell each other a secret about ourselves. I'll go first. I hate you


Cameron: These days, everyone is too worried about hurting someone's feelings. When I was young, there were no feelings!


Daniel: I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual


Nurf: I don't get mad, I get stabby


Gwen: All rright kids, I gotta get to work. If I don't input those numbers.... It doesn't make much of a difference.


Preston: What the fuck? People actually tell their crushes they like them!?

Nerris: Well the hell do you do?

Preston: I die? What the fuck kinda question-


Erin: You're not done with him, are you?

Tabii: Our babies are going to be smart and beautiful

Sasha: Not to mention, imaginary


David: Anyone want to get into an argument with me?

Gwen: Okay, Max is kinda annoying-

David: I was kidding but you know what the fuck you for real.


Max: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis

David: You're 10

Max: I might die at 20


Gwen: What. Did. You. Do

Nikki: Alright, but you can't get mad at me

Gwen: What. Did. You. Do!

Nikki: Okay, so I was minding my own business-

Gwen, Slamming her fists on the table: BULLSHIT

Nikki: I WAS!


Jen: I put the hot in psychotic


Max: I'm the one who got us in this mess, so I will be the one who gets us much, much deeper into this mess.



Max, proceeds to stab Preston


Sasha: Anything you say in the next 30 seconds is free.....starting now.

Max: I think you're cocky, arrogant, bossy, and pushy. You also have a god complex and don't think about anyone but your damn self.

Sasha: But I-

Max: But what? I still have 22 seconds and I'm not done.


Max: *eating food* OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU!

Space kid:

Space kid: Are you talking to me or the food?

Max: Depends, do you want me to lie to you?


Max: Could you not stand so close? You're making me claustrophobic

Nikki: What does Claustrophobic mean?

Tabii: It means he's afraid of Santa Claus

Neil and Max: Wha-

Nikki: HO HO HO!

Space kid: Stop it! You're scaring him!


Dolf:* Stand on chair* The floor is lava!

Space kid: Wait the floor is lava!? *starts panicking*

Max: *Lays on the floor* Ahhhhhhhh the sweet release of death

David: Guys I'm back from the tow- What's going on?


Dolf: Why are you all like this?


Daniel: I'm DaViD aNd I wAnT tO gIvE yOu A hUg!

David: Ohhhhhhh come here pal!

Daniel: I will kill you all


David: Anyone else d-

Gwen: Depressed?

Jasper: Dead?

Max: Drained?

Nurf: Disliked?

David: -Done. With chores. It's time to see real counselors.


Cameron: I've been told I have a way of lighting up the room with my arrival.

Max: It's called arson and those were witnesses

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