Chapter 1

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Annora POV

My parents are scum. How can they do this to me and claim it's for honor. Honor my ass. It's because they are broke. They want me to honor some silly betrothed contract that was made up when I was a baby. My parents are money grubbing scum. When they had money they were happy, but after a couple of bad investments and Ponzi Scheme they are broke and get most of their support from me. I run a web designing business and they are trying to suck every penny from it. I consider myself a nice person, but I have low tolerance for dumb shit.

If I wasn't afraid to go to jail I would finish both of them off. They are a drain on this economy. Leeches. That will do anything for a quick buck. They better hope our city never have a purge. Just some damn leeches. Sometimes I feel like the parent. My ex boyfriend left me because of them. He said I will always be stagnant until I get rid of them. That really hurt but Chase has a point. They have ruin their lives and working on mine.

" Dad I'm not doing it so find another way to scam."

" They'll ruin us."

" Dad you're already ruined. None of your friends have called you in years. Plus if it's money to be had it will come to me. You're not getting it, I am. I've lost count on how much you owe me."

" I raised your ungrateful black ass. I don't owe you shit," he said.

" The hell you don't. I pay your damn rent and bills so you owe me plenty."

" Well, you could move in here that way you won't have two separate rents to pay."

" I wouldn't dare put myself through that torture, plus you're missing my point."

I hear the doorbell ring. I look over at my parents. They never have company.

I say, " what did you do?"

" Nothing," says my mom finally joining the conversation.

I walk to the front door and open and look up, and up and up. It's two men at the door. They must have the wrong house.

" Can I help you."

" Yes, Marlon please," says the first one. Damn he's fine. He's tall around 6'2 with long hair that he has in a ponytail at the back of his neck. He looks like Jason Mamoa fine ass. The next one resembles the first one but he has a Mohawk.

" Dad someone is at the door for you," I breathe out becoming breathless. Damn. I know a man that look like him wouldn't be interested in someone like me. My sister is more his type. She's light skin with weight in all the right places. A small stomach with a big ass. Me. I'm short, rail thin and dark skin. My best features are my hair and eyes. I gave up on trying to guess the color of my eyes. My hair is long thick and reach the center of my back.

I get it from my dad. He's from the island. Before he came to America and met my mom he had a psychic shop. Everyone went to him because of his odd eye color and his mother had the sight. My grandmother was said to feel things and can tell people if something bad was coming their way.

Unfortunately for my dad he didn't have the sight and when the people of the island found out they ran him from the island with sticks and torches.

My thoughts are interrupted because my dad push me out the way to greet his guess and invite them in.

My father says, " Annora this is Marius and his brother Gideon."

" How do you do," I say and shake Gideon's hand then Marius's hand. When I got to Marius I snatched my hand back fast and try to play it off. I felt a strong wave of something. I'm not sure what it was, but it got me feeling horny and strange. My father always suspect I had the gift like my grandmother from the island, but I always argue against it in case he try to buy a psychic shop and put me in it. I don't have the sight, just a strong feeling or a strong sense. But I never felt this when I touch someone. This man is evil as hell.

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