Chapter 5

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Annora POV

Hour later I'm waken by noise, music and loud giggling. I look at the time on my phone. What the hell is all this, it's 3 o'clock in the morning .

I get up and make my way down to the living room. I see women dancing while half naked. Some are fucking guards in the corner of the room. I look to my left and see Marius and that bitch from earlier coming from a door.

"Aye cut the fucking music off, people are trying to sleep and you, were the hell were you." I ask Marius.

"Sacoya had to show me something," he said and smile.

I ignored him and said, "once again can you cut the music off and keep the noise down."

No one moved to do anything. I turn and go to the kitchen and grab a knife. I walk back to the living room and slice the cord to the massive speaker and radio.

"Hey," Sacoya said. "Who the fuck do you think you are."

"I'm the wife."

"Pff," she scoff, "not yet."

"We signed a contract bitch, for all intent and purposes we're married."

She screeched and came to attack me.  I held up the knife to her throat, " you try it Amazonian bitch and it'll be your last. Don't let this height and small body fool you. Back the fuck up."

She then turn to Marius and start spitting out another language.

"Marius," I yelled. "I want some peace. Take the noise and fucking elsewhere."

I hear shouts of outrage from the women and men. I stare at Marius intensely.

He says, " you all heard my wife. Move it elsewhere."

I said, "like the garage out back or whatever. Don't be fucking in my living room. This is my house now and you will not turn it into a club."

Marius say, "Annora you can leave now unless you want to keep giving everybody a show with your see through night gown," he growl.  

I look down and can actually see my nipples through it and I can see my black lace panties.

"Of course my husband." I turn to leave. I made it back to my room and fall asleep.

4 Days Later

I wake up and see a cream and peach color dress laying at the bottom of the bed. Then the door opens and in walk Marius. "The priest will be here today to officiate the wedding. I would like for you to wear this dress. Everyone else is out shopping for dresses and tux."

"You mean your harem went out dress shopping for my wedding."

"It's not a wedding, just a small ceremony then dinner."

"Well why do they have to be there."

He shrugged.

Bastard. I grab my phone and sent out a text to one of my connects.

"Who are you texting."

"My parents," I lied.


"Are they not allowed to come."

"Yes, but they are upset with us so they might not come. I told them about their portion of the contract money."

I snicker," great and I don't really care if they come."

He nods and walk out. " Oh and your bags will be moved to my room down the hall."

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