Chapter 16

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Annora Pov

Coulder says, " so you'll stay."

"Coulder, don't."

"Tell me. I rescued you. I've been risking my life for you."

"Speaking of, who the hell are you. You kick people ass and you manage to get into Marius compound and kill 6 people then escape. I seen you on camera."

He turns his head to the side. "I'm no one."

I grunt. I know he's lying. I'll let it go for now because I have more pressing matters to discuss.

"Coulder, I have to go back to my husband. When I ran away I didn't know this but I'm pregnant."

His eyes flash. "I'll take care of any baby of yours like it's my own."

"Coulder I have to go back," I said getting up an fixing my clothes. I sit on the couch next to him. He sit his head in his hands. I get up and walk to his downstairs bathroom and take a shower. I stay in the shower a long time thinking. Marius will definitely want to kill me now. He'll also want to kill Coulder and I can't let that happen. Coulder is crazy ass hell but he don't deserve to die. When I step out hours later Coulder is on the couch sleep.

I walk to his office. He once told me his phone is untraceable. Back then I still didn't want to use it or chance it, but now it's an emergency. I pick it up and dial Marius number.

"Where are you," he growled as soon as he picks up the phone.

Damn he sound so evil.

"I'm safe and I want to come home."

"Oh yeah, well come on then."

"You're going to torture and kill me aren't you."

"No," he growled.

"Marius cut the bulshit ok. I didn't want to leave all right. I was kidnapped. You said we can work this out."

"Well come back then and we'll work it out."

"Marius if you heard your voice right now even you would run. I didn't want this."

"Are you coming home on your own or do I have to make you."

 "Marius, stop this."

"What the fuck I just say."

"If you would calm the hell down and listen to me."

"Listen for what, so you can tell me more lies. Stop playing me for stupid. I know what you been up too."

"Marius please. I want a clean slate."

"I gave you that already. I told you I would treat you right and do right by you, but you playing. You better have your ass back here tonight or else," he said and hung up.

I wipe my tears. Scared to death. But I did get myself into this mess. I slept with Coulder knowing I had a precarious relationship with a madman. Plus I signed a biding contract in blood. But I was angry that I was forced into a corner because of my parents shenanigans.

Marius is not to be fucked with. I knew that but I did it anyway. I walk from Coulder's office into the living room. He's still on the couch sleep. I go to the spare bedroom and fall into bed.

 It's 2:00 a.m and I'm wide awake and I can't sleep. What do I do about my crazy ass husband. Do I walk in there and tell him the truth and hope he will wipe the slate clean again and start our marriage off right or do I run for my life with Coulder. I've put Coulder in a terrible position. Maybe if I wait a couple of days he will calm down.

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