Chapter 1

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Sometimes relationships don't work out and it's better to let that person go versus holding on to a failed relationship. That's my motto.

Who would have thought that I'd be here, watching Nasir, my high school sweet heart marry another woman? Sure, he and I had a child together, but we broke up years ago.

I told myself over and over again, growing up, that I'd never have any children but I got knocked up unintentionally. Maybe I was in love––or maybe it was the dick. Shit, I don't know. Either way, my son was the best thing that ever happened to me.

It hurt in the beginning seeing my baby daddy with a new woman in his life but I eventually got over that jealous shit. I couldn't have been happier for Nas and Taya. They'd been together longer than he and I and it was about time those two lovebirds jumped the broom.

Nas and I have what we call an understanding. We were really good friends and he was the best father that I could ask for. Our son was my world. At six years old, he was already the spitting image of his father. His ass was a handful but he was my handful.

My thoughts were interrupted by a nudge in my side coming from my best friend Lea, my ride or die. I know everyone says that about his or her closest friend but she is the true definition of my ride or die. I wouldn't trade her crazy self in for anybody else.

"Girl, I know Sincere is not over there on the dance floor doing the Tootsie Roll." Sincere, otherwise known as Sin, was the best friend of Nasir and his best man in the wedding. Lea I met Sin and Nas in high school but the two of them had been friends for way longer due to their mothers being close friends.

Lea doubled over in laughter, gasping for air in short emissions. Hell, I had to join in because he was throwing in every old school dance in the book. Sincere's robot looked like it needed to borrow oil from the tin man because it was a little rusty.

"Stop running around, baby, before you hurt yourself." I spotted Junior running around as if he had no sense in the world. He had a big cherry red stain on his shirt. I'm surprised that he managed to stay clean for as long as he had. I tried to talk his father into putting him on a black button up versus a white one but he insisted that he knew what he was talking about. I should have never listened to his ass.

I tore my eyes away from my baby momentarily and my eyes met with the groom's. Nasir walked up to me with a coy smile plastered on his face.

"You want to dance?" He said as he held his hand out.

"Sure," I said as I took one last gulp of my red wine and sat the glass on the table next to me. I knew that he was up to something but I wasn't sure of what just yet.

"What you thinking about?" Nas asked me as we shared a friendly dance, making sure to keep an appropriate distance between the two of us.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just really happy for you and Taya."

"Thank you Ame. That means a lot coming from your big headed ass." He spun me in a circle, unexpectedly, causing me to laugh.

"Well, all I know is that even though I can barely stand her ass sometimes, you better treat her right."

He stopped dancing and the smile that was on his face slowly faded away.

"What?" I was confused.

Sin and Amethyst: My Baby Daddy's HomeboyWhere stories live. Discover now