Chapter 5

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I headed towards the back to look for my watch in Junior's room. His door made so much damn noise when I opened it so I started doing the mannequin challenge because I did not need his ass to wake up. He was a hard sleeper but if he were woken up, he wouldn't go back to sleep; that was a known fact. I loved him like he was my own but if he woke up he'd be hanging around my neck, talking a mile a minute, and not wanting me to leave as he always did.

He didn't stir, luckily, so I quickly started looking inside of his toy chest attempting to be as quiet as I possibly could.

I stopped abruptly when I noticed a photo album lying on the floor by his bed. His mother would have a fit if she knew he had this book because there were pictures scattered all over the floor. I didn't want him to get in trouble so I started picking all of the pictures up and putting them back in the album.

A smile tugged at my lips as I looked at each picture that I'd scooped up from the floor. I remembered this book because Amethyst took pictures all throughout high school and college and she put every memory inside of this book. I stumbled across a picture of Amethyst and I in college.

We were sitting next to each other on a bench and I had my arm around her shoulders. In the picture she was cheesing very hard as I kissed her on the cheek. We'd always been very good friends. I often times thought about how life would've been different if she was my woman. We shared a very intimate moment in college and I couldn't help but to think about that shit from time to time.

Back in college...

The shower could be heard from the bathroom, as I laid on my bed in nothing but a towel, talking dirty on the phone to, Ariel, my main female at the moment. She wasn't my girl or nothing like that she was just my main fuck buddy. Sometimes college got stressful, as shit and everyone knew that the way to relieve stress was by fucking.

It was eight-fourteen at night and I was supposed to be going to catch a lil flick with this chick, Santeria that I'd met in class. She was really cool and I didn't have anything else to do. The movie didn't start for another two hours so I had some time to burn. I wanted to smash Santeria for sure but she was a good girl so I knew I'd have to wait a bit before I could hit. That's where Ariel came in. I was sure she'd pull up on me after I got back from the movies and shit.

She sat on the other end of the phone giggling and most likely blushing. I wasn't in a relationship with her because the bitch I was committed to at one point in time, left me high and dry for some dude who didn't give two shits about her.

My ex used the hell out of me, played me, and moved on like I was nothing. I was more upset than hurt. I was very upset at myself for putting my feelings out there only for her to stomp all over them.

I was in the mall, minding my own damn business, when a dude approached me. "Aye, yo' name Sin?" He asked as he walked up on me.

I immediately became defensive until the nigga said he knew my girl and that she was a hoe. He even had the pictures to prove his accusations.

How is a man supposed to feel when another man shows him pictures of his girl with another nigga's cum all over her face? I couldn't do anything but laugh. That situation was still funny to me.

Dude, she left me for was some nigga named Dave who knocked her stupid-ass up and left her high and dry. He cleared it on her ass, left the country, said it wasn't his jit, and shacked up with some dude he met. Yes, he was a down low brother! Every time I walked past her around school, she looked so miserable with her protruding belly. I wanted to laugh in her face but I just wasn't that kind of dude. Two years down the drain caused me to not trust females as much as I should.

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