Chapter 2

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A few hours later...

I was just getting home from the wedding reception, and to tell you the truth, I was tired, tipsy and ready for bed. To top it all off, I had to carry a sleepy and very heavy six-year-old into the house.

My feet were killing me. My dogs had literally been barking for damned near the entire day. I kicked my heels off so damn fast that you would've thought that I was Jackie Chan. I chuckled a bit at my silliness right before a yawn took over me.

I carried Junior to his room and stripped him of his clothes and shoes. I put on his pajamas and proceeded to do the same for myself until my cell phone rang.

"Shit," I mumbled as I ran to retrieve the phone before it woke Junior up. That little boy would be up for the rest of the night, and a bitch was already tired so I didn't need anything else to add to my exhaustion.

"Hello," I said in an angry tone because at eleven o'clock at night, I was ready to let my head hit the damn pillow.

"Hi can I speak to Claudia?" The person on the other end of the phone asked in a very strong Spanish accent.

"Wrong number," I yelled as I ended the call.

I made my way back towards the car to help Sin into the house. His legs were all wobbly and his speech was slurred. Hell, his eyes weren't even open.

He broke free from my grip and ran over to the bushes to throw up. I wanted to beat his ass for throwing up all in my flower garden, but I'd save that whooping for the morning once his ass was sober enough to take it.

Nas and Taya rode off in the limo after the reception so I offered to drop Sin off. His car was still at the hotel they'd gotten ready at but he was too fucked up to function. I knew that dropping him off, as drunk as he was would make me feel bad in the morning so I brought him back to my place. At least in this case if he needed someone to take care of him in the middle of the night, then I'd be able to offer him some sort of assistance.

There was vomit all over his shirt and a little on his pants, so I ended up having to strip him as well. I took a warm rag and cleaned him up a bit prior to throwing his clothes in the wash and laying him down on the couch. I retrieved an extra toothbrush and placed it on the bathroom counter because I knew that he'd need a miracle to get rid of that dragon breath in the morning.

Just looking at his bare chest, my tongue was longing to trace each and every tattoo after that whole toe sucking fiasco at the reception. I quickly tried to push those thoughts out of my head. Thinking of him in that way was inappropriate, but hell, it didn't hurt to look.

Once in my bedroom, I retrieved my nightgown from the bottom drawer of the dresser and slipped out of my dress and directly into my negligee. I was too tired to wrap up my hair so before I knew it I was out like a light.


"Finally, I'm Mrs. Longbey. I was starting to think that you were just stringing me along just for the hell of it," my wife Taya said to me.

She sat comfortably on my lap with her right arm wrapped around my neck while her left arm was stretched out so that she could stare at her ring finger. Her ring glistened and gleamed under the lighting in the limousine. We'd just arrived to our home after getting married and in about six hours we'd be hopping on a plane, heading to Hawaii for our honeymoon.

Sin and Amethyst: My Baby Daddy's HomeboyWhere stories live. Discover now