
5 0 0

Ten seconds to go
I look for you
My eyes follow around
Wherever you go

Nine seconds the clock shows
I watch you intently
You have a smile
Straight to my heart it goes

Eight more seconds
You feel my eyes on you
You finally notice me
I thank the heavens

Seven seconds left
You stare at me
I smile at you
You walk towards me with deft

Six seconds still
I wait for you
As you smile at me
I try looking chill

Five seconds to go
You are finally here
Your brown eyes shining
I take your hand and bow

Four seconds more
We are dancing around
Your hands hold me close
We own the floor

Three seconds i hear them shout
I whisper jokes in your ear
And i am mesmerized
By how you laugh loud

Two seconds
You look in my eyes
I rise on my tip toes
And lean in close

One second to go
You lean in too
I take in your smell
Before i kiss you slow.

-khushi 🖤🦄

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