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It burned in my palm, licking the air with its fiery tongue. It's orange and red glow it gave off lit up the boring white room. A smile crept across my face, the pleasure of this ability getting to me. I stared at it carefully, using my mind to grow or to shrink its size and colour. It turned blue and shrank.

The fire alarms rang loudly, the bells ringing throughout the room. I closed my palm, making the flame disappear, and used my hands to cover my ears from the screaming of the alarms and bells. In the hallways, which I could see clearly, the water sprinklers were turned on and soaked the glass that separated me from the corridor.

Nurses ran frantically and some patients screamed, making me annoyed. I got out of the small hospital bed and felt the IV drip tug on me. I looked at my arm, watching the blood trickle into me. I grasped the tubes, shaking slightly, and pulled them out.

I let the blood from both the tubes and my arm pool onto the floor. I felt something tickle my neck and put my hand there. I pulled it into view ad discovered it was my hair, only it was fire. I ran to the closest mirror possible and stared vacantly into my unfamiliar reflection.

My hair was fiery red, considering it actually was fire, and fell to about the middle of my ribcage. My eyes were a hue of orange that was also found in fire. I was in a hospital gown and had a band around my wrist. I looked at it and read it.

'Cody Turner' is all it read, every thing else was either blank or crosse out. I furrowed my brow and looked two nurses running at me through the sprinklers. They stopped and stared at me. One grabbed the nearest fire extinguisher and walked slowly towards me, the smaller one behind her.

This made me angry.
I grit my teeth against their fear, sparks of orange lighting burst out of me, zapping the walls and flickering the lights. The two nurses ran, leaving the extinguisher. I smiled and let the bolts continue.

It refreshed me, making me feel a lot better. I looked at the open window with curtains moving slightly in the wind. I stopped he electricity and walked towards it and stared out at the city. High rise buildings cluttering the horizon and the sound of cars in traffic echoed and bounced. I was very high up, and it was daunting being this high.

I walked to the mirror, turned and ran. My bare feet stumbling slightly but I managed. I dove through the window, streamlining through the air. I felt myself stay in the air, I wasn't falling. I looked below me, I was above everything and everyone. I floated and it felt amazing.

I looked back into my room in the bleak white hospital and saw armed men rush through he hallway at me. I turned and flew towards the nearest tv station, not needing my sight thanks to the buzzing inside me that lead me straight to it.

I sat on one of the bars at the very top, the wind roaring through my flaming hair. I reached up to the dish that sat above me and felt the energy rush into me. It woke me up. I let go and jumped off, suspending myself inline with the largest dish. I tilted my head to the sky as I felt the bolts of electricity rush out and curl and weave themselves through the bars. I was sucking all the power up and didn't care.

Below me, sirens wailed and megaphones blared. "Everyone step back! Go behind the barriers." Police desperately tried to push the crowd back. I didn't bother to look, I was almost done with this tower. The crowd seemed frantic, based upon the amount of sound they made. I felt no more power begin absorbed and the snakes of electricity dissipated. I looked below me, at least 300 people were running around, and 5 cop cars were fencing them off. I smirked and lowered myself.

As my bare feet touched he wet cement of the central square, everyone's eyes were on me, whispers flew around. "We need backup, it's a code black." one officer called into his radio. He listened to his response and nodded. "Bring him." I looked around me, not feeling properly dressed.

I closed my eyes and felt myself runaround in the wires below me. Part of me was still physically in the square, whilst the other part seemed out proper clothes for this occasion. I looked at the person I wanted, she wore a navy blue jumper and black skinny jeans. I travelled into her, she lit up and jolted, people ran away. As she became visible, she wore a hospital gown, I had her clothes on now. I watched as she got up, half her hair was burnt off, and she ran a mile.

Everyone who was left gasped. The backup arrived quickly, 7 black vans parked themselves in the square, the doors sliding open to spill out more of those SWAT team officers holding guns. They positioned themselves around me, pointing their guns at me. I spun and looked at them all, I could smell their fear, and it reeked.

Suddenly, something hard hit me, sending me flying into one of the buildings above me. I blinked and held my head. I had crashed through he 53rd floor of an office building, and had landed inside the dead centre, in a cubicle. I was still dizzy but managed to get up. I had crashed trough glass and lots and lots of small offices. I groaned and straightened up. Next to me was a manhole covering, that's what had hit me.

I recovered shortly and felt my hair float with heat, licking the air viciously with its snaking flames. It annoyed me and i pulled the hood over my head. I walked towards where I crashed through and saw a figure waiting where I was three seconds ago in the middle of the central square.

A figure in red looked up at me. I breathed heavily, staring at this person. That's when I looked around, all the screens around me were full of live video of that man. The headlines read 'Spiderman vs new villain?', and other variations. I stared at him with fury, and turned into my electrical state where I zoomed through the air and wires that ran in the ground, a sneak attack.

I popped up next to him and swung, sending him flying this time. He never noticed me, and found himself inside a hotdog stand. Web shot out from the rubble and went past both my shoulders. I laughed, he missed. He propelled himself towards me and his feet hit my face hard. I grunted from impact and went into my electrical form. I searched for him, and found him of the building behind me. I speed towards him and popped out in front of him.

I grabbed his neck and felt my hands burn through his suit. He writhed around in pain. His mask was obscuring his face, so I went to pull it off. He pulled his leg up and kicked me off, but I didn't go far. I stopped and flew at him whilst he was getting ready for defense.

I roundhouse kicked him and he flew into the glass behind him. There was no movement. I, feeling victorious, looked around and found a replay of that spectacular kick playing on the screens around me, with headlines like 'New villain named 'Redhead' defeats Spider-Man'' and 'Super villain titled 'Redhead' takes out Spidey'. I smile and float down to the square and look the commando in the eye and pull my hood off.

I walk towards him and he stands his ground. I become eye to eye to him, being as tall as him, and feel red dots on my back. I didn't need to turn around to know there were snipers watching me.

"You may want to help your friend up there." I nod my head towards the building he lay in. "Or I will." I go into my electrical state and disappear. I seek a place to stay, and find the power plant. No one was inside so I set myself up inside one of the poles and rest in there.

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