A New Day

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A new day was promising, having woken up at sunset. I jumped out of the grid tower and go into my physical form. I stretch and run my hand through my hair that seemed a lot more hotter and floaty than yesterday. I begin to stretch but stop suddenly due to a sharp, stabbing pain in my ribs. I pull up my jumper and am greeted by a firework of purples, browns, greens and yellows sitting on my side. I tenderly touch it and wince, pain stimulating throughout my nerves.

I touch a different grid pole, having drained the one I slept in, and feel the electricity flow into the injured areas. I watch as broken ribs snap back together and the bruise slowly dissipate. I wince again at the horrible sound of grinding and snapping, even though it was just healing sounds. After what seemed forever, everything was back to normal.

I stared out to the horizon, waiting for the right time to leave, having noticed a car out the front that wasn't there before. I looked to the control tower and saw movement, someone's back to me. I smiled, I found my morning activity. I started to walk towards the stair well, trying to stop grinning.

I stood at the open door, watching this man fumble through files that were messy and unkept. I noticed a small tv sitting on his desk, only static played on it. I turned back to him, who was still not bothering to notice me.

I roll my eyes, becoming impatient. I clear my throat and he turns around. His eyes become huge as soon as we make eye contact, he stumbles back, falling into the pile of folders he'd pulled out. I laugh at his stupidity. I walk towards him and he freaks out big time. He stumbles trying to find words and reaches for a red button under the desk.

I grab his wrist seconds before he could press it. My hand warms up and he screams. The smell of something burnt wafts through out the small room, making me hungry. I watch as he tried to take his hand from my grip.

"Smells like bacon." I smirk and let go of his hand, revealing a burnt handprint on it that was full of blisters and charred skin. It wasn't a pretty sight. He holds his arm to his chest and screams in pain. I look to the desk next to me and find a mug. I grab it and chuck its contents onto his wrist. "Whoops. I didn't realize it was coffee, I thought it was water." I shrug and he screams again.

"Would you just shut up?" I said angrily. He still wails. I roll my eyes and grab duct tape next to him and strap it across his mouth, wrapping it around his head to secure it. I bind his wrists and put him inside a closet, shutting it on his face.

I sat in an office chair that was fairly new, and tapped the small tv. It powered up and started on ads. I kick up my feet and lean back, watching the tiny screen. After the ads was a news broadcast. A reporter stood in the Central Square, where lots of barriers and cranes fill the background.
"Good morning, Sandra Wentworth Reporting." The blonde woman nods and smiles. "Here, in Central Square, last night, a large and destructive battle took place." Replays of stupid Spider-Man flinging the man hole cover at me causing me to fly took her place. It was all shaky, having been taken by a camera phone. It cuts back to the reporter. "Sadly, Spider-Man was defeated, and we lost track of him. He left the scene last night, we believe he is badly injured."

"We believe this new super villain titled 'Redhead' is a very strong and dangerous person. She is described to be about 18 in age, fire for hair, orange eyes and about 5"10 in height. If you see her, please contact this number." A number rolls on the screen. I roll my eyes, blowing some of my half hair-half fire hair off my face. I get up, searching for a rubber band.

I find one easily and tie my hair back, thankfully my hair didn't possess fire qualities like burning and smoking, or my scalp and clothes would be alight. I tied it into a messy bun and grabbed a hat. I slapped that on and tried to hide as much hair as possible.

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