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He leaned over me, ready to attack. I stepped back, having been slightly startled. I began to prepare for my attack, but something slammed into my back and sent me sprawling. I rolled once I hit the floor and got up as quick as I could, my back still feeling like the thing that hit me was still there. I looked to where I was, and saw the boy spinning his staff triumphantly. I stood strong and confident, trying to figure his next move. I suddenly remember Batman, and find him missing.

I rose a ring of flames around me, they rose all the way to the roof, scorching a circle of black into its white face. I tried to seek out Batman's body heat, but found it impossible. I could easily find the other one's, who I just realised was Robin, and he was dragging people out of the building. Batman was a big problem, he had the physical and mental strength to beat me, and I didn't need to have already known to figure that out.

I made the flames thicker and larger, to the point where they caught the roof on fire, and I was too busy trying to find him and didn't hear the sound of the roof caving in. Once I realised, it was too late, and it hit me. Hard. I tried to get up, but the large chunk of heavy steel and wooden beam roof pushed me down. I had hit my head on the polished concrete, and the world spun.

I blinked my eyes several times, trying to get a grip on everything. I got into electrical form, and drowsily tried to navigate the gallery. I took a few sharp turns and found myself in the staff room again. I sunk down against the hive of shelves and held my head in my hands trying to stop the spinning world. The room full of smoke was already in my lungs, and I tried to resist coughing.

I could easily handle it but it was a lot of smoke in there, and I could feel myself suffocating. I tried to stay quiet, even With the raging fire outside of the door. I put my hand to the spot were I hit the floor and felt a large and sore lump. I also had a feeling a few ribs were broken. Again. I need to find an electrical source before I passed out.

I grunted as I stood up, holding my ribcage delicately, a little bit of pressure sent searing pain through out my chest. I held onto the shelves to balance myself as I stood. I looked around and found the back door, so I walked over and tried to open it. It was locked by two dead locks. I sigh and step back. 'This is gonna hurt.' I whispered to myself, and powered up, pulling my leg up. I groaned and projected my foot into the door, it went straight through.

"Really!?" I screamed in anger, my ribs and head hurting from the impact. In frustration, I kicked again, this time on the locks and they buckled. I tried again, using more force and power than I had before and they snapped. The door slammed against the outside of the wall. I walked out and noticed lots of lights flickering, police cars and SWAT vans, fire brigade trucks and ambulances were all parked in any space they could find. Barriers held back a crowd of worried onlookers, and plenty of fire fighters were tackling the blaze.

I turned and tried to hurry out of sight quickly. I was too depleted to travel through wires and escape quickly. I had to do it manually. I went behind the building and found the telegraph pole. It was on the roof, so I climbed up the ladder and onto the roof. I grabbed the antenna and tried to get more power. It was dead. I kicked it and it flew off the roof.

The bent rod hit the ground and I slowly started to hop down. Near the bottom, I miss a rung on the ladder and give myself a heart attack, my heart beating against my crippled ribs. I ignore the pain and seek out the nearest and injured friendly accessible one, which was just down the other end of the block. I could feel its strength. It seemed to pulse in my veins and I was attracted to it. I tried to walk as far as I could, stopping a few times to catch my breath. I was so close to it, it buzzed inside my head. I was an animal drawn to the water.

I reached the tower of a tv station and climbed the ladder, ignoring the pulsing pain in my ribs. It hurt so much I felt like passing out, but I needed to continue. I pushed on, and as painful as it was, it paid off. I climbed onto the roof slowly like the crippled sloth I was and grabbed the leg of the steel power.

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