Really REALLY short chapter sorry...

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Mark's POV
Dammit...I made Jacky finish my video...
Just then he walked out to see me sitting on the floor of the hall with my back against the wall and my knees in my chest. He leaned against the wall and slid down next to me.
J: I...I miss them.
M: Me too...
He leaned his head over on my shoulder and we were silent. It wasn't an awkward silence it was the compfortable silence we enjoyed and didn't mind. Soon, his soft snores broke the silence.
Aww...How cute.
Then I fell asleep too. 

Hey so I didn't know what else to write, this chapter just kinda ended it's self and I know it's super short so I'll add some drawings in. :) OH and I'll do a face reveal. 🤷 Why not Bros.

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