"Welcome Students!"

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Deuteronomy 31:12 KJV
Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the Lord your God, and observe to do all the words of this law:

White ceiling. White wall. White window curtains. White board.

It's all white. I was affraid but a little bit confused.

Where am I? I asked myself. Am I in a hospital? Again?

I thought am dreaming when someone taps my head or rather beat my head with a broom.

"Ouch!" I muttered and turned around to see a child who's been laughing so hard at my reaction.

My questions a while back was answered by the noisy environment. It was a horrible scene before me.

The whiteness of the room didn't compliment the students behavior. It's all contradicting the purity of the setting.

I don't know if I call this a school or rather a park. I don't even know why I am here. I'm just a spoiled teen who raised by a wealthy family who forced me to enroll in this school since my parents thought that I will change myself.

I rolled again my eyes at the thought. No one's able to change the way I act, the way I speak, and the way I dress. NO ONE CAN.

I shook my head at what I'm seeing. It seems that my parents enrolled me in a worst but my favorite place. I called it worst because it reminds me of the sufferings I had in the hospital. I really hate white!

But somehow I may call it my favorite cause this is what I need, A noisy world. Wow! It's just a wow to see the two children, definitely not my age,who are fighting at a side. It reminds me of being in a fight when I'm in elementary.

My eyes caught the attention of teenagers who are laughing so hard while watching a video from a cellphone of a red haired girl. I smiled. It seems that I already found my prospect to become friend.

"What's your name beautiful?" I was distracted by a voice from behind. It was a voice of the child a while back who beat my head. My hand raised to bump her head when I changed my mind due to her cuteness.

I smiled sweetly at her. " I'm K,how about you darling?"

She returned a smile before answering. " I'm L as in lovely!"

I chuckled at her answer then suddenly I am intrigued why she's here. I can guess that her age is from 10 and below.

I thought that parents are forbid to bring their child at school but why's a little girl here.

"Oh what a lovely name L. But can I ask why you're here? Do you have your mom or dad here?"

"Umm. Yes miss K. My mom is there busy chitchatting with her newfound friends." She pointed the direction and I saw that her mother was really busy talking while the others were laughing.

"Ok. So miss lovely L, so your mother including those adults are here to study also?" I was confused at the moment but then I recall the poster that my mom showed me this morning.

WHAT: A free character education
WHO: interested youngs and adults of any ages
WHERE: CH class of HE university
WHEN: The day when the rain first fall within the month of January
What to bring: yourself

"For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." (Matthew 23:39 kjv)

I remembered that my mom woke me up at five in the morning just to send me here and I didn't understand.

It's been unexpected for me because it was still our vacation and she distracted my enjoyment. I thought that she's joking but she's  very determined to prepare me to send to this school.

In fact she's very happy at that time that it rained!

I just understood her when she handed me the poster and I feel like she's crazy but she scolded me and brought me here like a robot doing their want..I really want freedom! It's been 18 years that I'm treated like a puppet.

"Yes. My mom and I came here to study also." The little girl smilingly replied that brought me into more confusion. She's joking I know.

My mind travels from mom to the teacher.  Who's gonna be our teacher?
Interesting! I don't know if the teacher who will teach this class can be able to do it.

I can't imagine how can the teacher  handle this type of class. There were children who brought by their mom or dad. It will be difficult even if he or she's a wonder man or woman. Kids nowadays are hard to handle you know. Well, I didn't excuse myself out of it.

I felt bad for him whoever he/she is.

Whoever he is. I must say good-..

"Good morning class! Please settle down."

It was a very powerful voice that made everybody pause on what he/she is doing, including me.

I immediately found myself seating on a classroom chair that was beside me. Unfortunately I was at the front and I really hate to seat at the front since Grade one.

The child who I was speaking a while back immediately run to her mom and I saw that she sit on her lap. I noticed that she's affraid of what she's seeing right now. Maybe she's affraid of the teacher.

"Don't be afraid, it's me." I turned back my eyes to the front to see clearly who can be the teacher whom I pitied a while ago.

"Welcome to my class my dear students! Call me Teacher J short for Jesus."

My jaw dropped at what I saw. There the man with not so long hair standing in front wearing something different. However, his stature looks good and very neat.

I do now understand why lovely L seems affraid. But for me it's ridiculous! What's with the setup? A robe? And a mask? And it's all white! My goodness!

I don't know but I can't force myself not to laugh so I let it go and I'm so much satisfied when the others laugh also with me.

"Are you really the one who called us here? Are you sure you're a teacher?" Someone asked from the back that make us go laughing again.

"This is a school, Doctor. Not a hospital. You're on the wrong place Doctor!"some one again shouted.

"Don't treat our teacher like that, he just be careful 'cause we might have virus." A man from the center defended,but it's just for a show.

We can't stop laughing so hard. When I think that my laughs subsided, I paused then it seems that He just looking unto us until I noticed that everyone turns to his normal self.

A quiet surrounding has passed. And I don't like it.

"I repeat. Call me Teacher J and I'm happy to meet you my dear students. I'm  looking forward to your decision to accept me as your Friend, Comforter, Teacher,Doctor, Provider, Counselor, Leader, Saviour..."

Thanks for reading!
God bless you.

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