Teacher J

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A what? I'm confused at His words. He didn't only call Himself a Teacher,but a Friend? Really? I don't think I can be friend with a person with abnormal personality.

Comforter? I have a lots of comfortable comforters in our house. Computer, laptops, cellphone, foods, wines, yes I drink wine also,and I have lots of account on social media to kill time,so my life is not boring.

Doctor? I don't believe that He can heal me from my incurable disease. The expert doctors didn't even know what my disease is.

Provider? I don't need His money or whatever 'cause we're rich and everything is under our roof.

Saviour? Really? Is He a god or something that He can be a knight in shining armor? Wow!

My head was full of thoughts. I can't absorb all the words that this mysterious Man is talking about.

"Student A?"

"Present Teacher!"

"Student B?"

"I'm in!"

"Student C?"


"....student I? J? K?"

I stopped on my thoughts when I heard my name being called. Right. He's currently checking our attendance.

I was about to say present when I noticed that He's staring at me. We've been looking into each other's eyes and I certainly feel that He's not an ordinary man. Oh my gosh! Am I scared? Is he really a Superman or Batman or...

"Student K. Glad to see you here. I am looking forward for our relationship to be build."

What? Relationship to be buiiild? Heck. Is he insane? Not in my entire life! Never!!!

The fear I felt about him was easily wash out 'cause of what He said.

I was looking at him with disgust as he continues to call the other's name and after calling the name of student N,he paused.

"Where's student Enye?(I don't have a letter enye on my keyboard so I just spell what it pronounced,:)" He asked with a sad tone of voice which makes me roll my eyes. Tss. he's also dramatic.

"Teacher, student Enye is not going into your class since he was allergic to listening."

It was student N who replied and it was a sincere reply but others found it funny so they laugh at it.

"But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear." (Matt.13:16kjv)
"And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me."(Luke 7:23 kjv)

Everybody was silent for a moment,absorbing the words He spoke.

I don't understand what he said but I guess I am indeed blessed because I have eyes to see and ears to hear. I'm glad that my mom took care of me ever since I was on her womb.

But I'm not sure if I understood His second statement. Does He mean that His words are offending?

I don't understand.

The checking of attendance was finished when I can't get myself be still. There's no way for me to be listen to Him anymore. I don't like offending words. I should be the one who can speak that kind of words.

I decided to get my bag to go out when suddenly my name is being called with authority. Huh?

"Student K. Sit. You can go out when we finish our lessons for today. Is that clear?"

I automatically replied yes and sit. I don't know why I'm feeling affraid right now. But I thought of something that makes me feel confident. Maybe I will not enter starting tomorrow. I must find a way to convince my mom about it.

"Teacher J, why are you hiding your face? Why can't you show it to us?" I recognized that voice. I turned around to see Lovely L who's looking at Teacher J with a very curious face.

The fear I saw in her eyes a while ago was gone.

I smiled at the reaction of the girl and at the same time curious too about His face. Maybe He had some deep scars so He hide it with a mask?

"My child, don't mind my face but my presence. You will see it when the time comes,it's not right now,but it's too soon. It's when your graduation comes."

He spoke with a lovely voice no one can imitate. I don't know but I'm starting to feel at ease.

"What about the dominant color of our room? Why is it white just like what you wear?"

A little lovely boy asked while standing beside his father. He just got out from his dad's lap.

Okay,so these children are braver than us. They probably get good points for today. The parents seemed tongue tied.

Teacher J's chin was moved indicating that he smiled. He started walking towards the table which is in front with a chair beside it.

"My lovely C, do you want to wear white clothes like this?"

The boy nodded in reply as he goes back to his father's lap.

"He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels." (Revelation 3:5 kjv)

"What do you mean Teacher J?" Another little boy asked that made some of the adults smirked.

"How can you teach those lines with these kids. They don't even understand every single word you said. We as adults didn't even understand it,how much more to them!

Until now I don't understand why didn't you specify on your poster the age of interested who want to come so that children will be exempted. You just made things complicated for you!"

One adult who couldn't hide his temper anymore asked with disbelief and annoyance.

The class seemed agree to it and even me needed an explanation.

"Student P." Teacher J started with a calm tone,yet there's a sadness in it. He looked student P into his eyes. "Don't you believe in me? Don't you have faith in me that I can be able to teach you the things you need to know?"

Student P  couldn't utter a word and diverted his eyes outside the window.

"Young or old,men,women, I did invite you to listen and be train to live not your will but thy Father's will."

"Children are not exempted in hearing the word of God, in fact,you parents are responsible for the training of your children for it says in Proverb "Train up a child in the way he should go,and when he is old,he will not depart from it." If you ask for wisdom and understanding for the Word,I will gladly give it. Ask and believe and it will be given to you."

We were all speechless but confused especially the parents who are here.

I remembered my parents especially mom who always give advises that I really don't like.

"K,don't speak to us like that! You must respect your parents. Don't utter bad words."

"K, you should not hang out with drunkards!"

"K, you should know how to be responsible and not to be lazy. You must do your homework."

I rolled my eyes and whispered 'whatever'.

But what does the Teacher means words? And not my will but thy Father's will, who's Father, is it my father?

I think I'm starting to have a headache.

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