04 | breaking his soul

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« aditya's pov: »

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24th April, 2021: New Delhi

I stared out of my huge office window. The sky gloomy, clouds growling as the rain poured down heavily. I sighed, getting back to designing the dress I had been working on. I stared at the sketch in front of me.

It was a pretty dress but something was missing. It was a simple black bodycon, that would hug any woman's curves brilliantly but something was still... missing. It looked too simple. Groaning, I shut the sketchbook and leaned back against the chair, shutting my eyes.

"Done?" Abhinav's voice, pulled me out of my peace making me glare at him.
"No, I just can't get over that dress but it needs something. It needs some touch. I just, I just don't know what." I sighed.
"You'll get it bhai, give it time." I nodded at his words.

He always knew what to say and that so far had kept me together. After that horrific day almost four years back he was the one I went to and he, he consoled me, better than anyone could've. He was my brother and now my only brother.

I told my parents I was fine; it was a lie and Abhinav could see through it, I could tell. I needed to escape, I couldn't live in the house I had experienced the rest of my life with my... love in. So I left Kolkata and came here to pursue fashion-designing, what I have always liked.

I started a partnership with Abhinav and opened a company, which now is among the top twenty companies of the country now. Which makes me proud, having done it almost all myself.

"Adi," I was pulled out of my thoughts as Abhi called out my name. I looked up at him and he passed me a nervous smile, "Ma was talking about your marriage."

"Abhi!" I exclaimed sternly, he knew how much I hated this topic.
"At least, listen t—"
"Stop right there, if you have nothing else to talk about stay silent and if this is the only thing you want to talk about then leave." I snapped.

"One day Arav will ask about his mother, then what? You'll ask him to leave too?" he shot back. I glared at him.
"I will..." I trialled off, not knowing how to reply to that, "think about something. It's not your concern." I grit out. He scoffed making me look at him again.

Narrowing his eyes, he shook his head at me and then leaned forward, resting against his elbows placed on the table.

"Arav is a kid bhai. He needs the love of both his parents and you too have your entire life ahead of you. You need a life partner. Someone who will support you throughout your life."
"I have Arav and Arav has me. That's enough. " I said, standing up and stuffing everything into my bag, trying to be quick and avoid this conversation completely.

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