11 | overthinking is a bitch

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third person's pov:

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4th July, 2021: New Delhi

"Uh... you can take the bed, I'll... I'll sleep on the couch downstairs." he said, pressing his lips into a thin line and nodding curtly. Without looking at her again he stepped out of the room with a pair of pillows and a blanket.

She sighed, leaning back and resting her head against the headboard. Pulling her legs close to her chest, she let out a sigh. This was too much and she was tired. So fucking tired.

Tired, Tired, Tired.

She was finally feeling the pressure. She did not want this life. She had gotten involved in a life that was far from what she wanted— needed even and she had not even realized it was out of pressure, only out of pressure.

The door creaked open, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Mumma?" the soft voice made her lips quirk up immediately as she looked at the door. The two kids sheepishly, walking in and climbing onto the bed.

"We want to sleep with you mumma, please."

Her heart swelled up at this. This had to be the only reason she hadn't lost her mind... yet.

"Of course! Come here." forwarding her hands, she pulled both the kids to either sides of her and let their tiny frames rest against her body. She exhaled, closing her eyes and trying to forget everything to receive some peace of mind.

Downstairs, Aditya continued to shift his position trying to get comfortable; his jaw clenched and eyebrows ceased together in confusion.

He failed to understand how she had managed to get all of Arav's attention in the matter of a day! To him it seemed like a plan. Get the child with sweet talk, then behave rudely with him and eventually, use up all their money in return of being a 'good mother' to him. That's it! That was her idea. He huffed, sitting up and resting his elbows against his kneecaps, leaning forward.


He looked up, startled at the sudden presence in front. It was Abhinav, smiling down at his brother with two mugs of coffee. Aditya gladly took it; he felt like he needed some caffeine at the moment. Muttering a quite 'thank you' he scooted to the side to allow Abhinav to sit.

"What's going on in that peanut sized brain of yours?" Abhinav asked, biting the insides of cheek. Aditya rolled his eyes at his brother, shaking his head.

"First, it's not peanut sized and you know that. Next, I was thinking..." he trailed off taking a sip of his coffee, debating whether he should tell Abhinav his thoughts or restrict then to himself.

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