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Beam's POV:

I woke up again , this time the beeping of machines are more clear. I blink once-twice to adjust my vision. Lights of my room are off. But lights outside the window shining  with orange glow. So it's the time just before the sunrise or it's about to sunset. I don't know. But next sunrise will be new  hope, new start for me and sunset will be new darkness for them.. I will stay awake this time. I have so many things to do, I do not want to die before that.

My whole body felt rigid like turned into stone. I keep trying to move myself but being weak and attached with so many machines is not helping me. This make him helpless, just like last time, spark of anger rises in his mind, but also remind him his lovers and babies melts his hearts.

Too tired to try anymore, I am waiting for someone to come and help me. When I stopped trying, my mind starts to flood with many kind of thoughts.

What date is today?

How much time spent on this bed?

Who bring me here?  Can I trust them?

Did someone come here to search for me?

My friends?

My babies? My boy and baby girl?  Are they safe?  Alive?

" I am sorry I can't get you out of here at this time, but do not worry about kids. I will keep them safe, away from this chaos. This is all I can do for you. Please forgive me Beam, Accept my apology. I give you my words to keep them safe, even it is the last thing I will do."  these are the few words I remember from a familiar voice. I see my babies just once after they were taken away from me. I still believe that person, I did not know who he was, I was half awake, but he sound familiar. I knew him from somewhere.

They are with their father?  He have them?  Was it true that he set this all up?

Are they okay? Healthy?...

With these very thoughts I started to struggle again. I want my babies. I want to see them, touch them. But I do not even know how old are they? This bring tears in my eyes.

I hate this helpless situation. Then lights of my room turned on. A nurse came in.

"Good morning Mr. Moon." She said without even look at me. Maybe she didn't expect me to wake up or she is ignorant.

With that she just got direct to machines to check something and write on chart.  But than she noticed something and whip here head toward me . Her eyes became wide open.

"Mr. MOON, you are awake. Oh my god, let me just call the doctor." She is surprised, smiling.
With that statement nurse turned away from me and running outside. Again leaving me with my thoughts. Everything feel strange. But now I am good to go for this .

A few moments later she came again with a person doctor maybe.

"Mr. Moon, How are you feeling?  Are you okay?" Doctor asked.

He checked all the vitals and charts. Everything is fine. Doctors hopes this to happen, always, after all waking up like this is no less than any miracle. And more than one person is waiting for this person to wake up. They are going to be so happy, after all they are waiting for this to happen for so long.  But they always hold on thin thread of hope. Never giving up, even though they do not know even his name.

"Mr. Moon, how are you feeling? " He asked again when didn't get answer for first time.

" Can you listen to me? Or Understand? " He tried again.

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