sixty five

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'hey chenle... please come to the dari cafe - i would like you to hear me out'

after a lot of reassurance that chenle didn't need the younger to accompany him, he began walking to his destination


arriving at the cafe, nervous, but at least it was a public space, hence being less likely to be harmed

he seemed to have arrived first, taking a seat at one of the empty tables

the scraping of the chair caused him to look up

meeting eyes with the woman he despised

'what do you want, mother, do you even deserve to be a mother?'

perhaps his words were harsh, but they were nothing compared to what the woman in front of him had seen him go through, not once intervening

'i'm sorry chenle, i've been beyond a terrible mother to you'

'but i wanted to tell you that i've been going to therapy, after you know your father... and i'm trying to change, and be there for you - you don't have to accept me right now, but i promise i'll be a better parent'


okay wtf just happened

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