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(y/n) POV

"YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE!" Mama yelled as slapped me, "I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR YOU AND I DON'T EVEN GET AS MUCH AS A THANK YOU!" She yelled, "I thought that by coming here we would grow closer, but I was wrong! I thought that after your father and step-mother left that this was my last chance to make things right. My last chance to be a mother. But ever since we came here I've realized that I hate you, that I've never once felt any sort of love for you since the day you were born." She said, "This will be the easiest decision I will have ever made. I disown you." She said, "Ma'am you and your son have made no progress and have drifted further apart. It has been determined that you both shall be removed from the closed beta." Shirase said, "No, just me, he will stay here. I won't let Toshiro and that bitch Stacy have the satisfaction of being right." Mama said, "I did try you know, but this was all your fault." Mama said as she logged out, "Well little one you've been abandoned, and for that I am sorry. Now if you'd ask me this is a problem that the GMs can't fix." Shirase said, "I might have a solution for you." She said as she took my hand.

Mamako POV

"MA-KUN!" I said happily as I hugged my son, "M...Mom stop! You're embarrassing me!" Ma-Kun said, "Hello!" Shirase said, "I have a little problem I would like you to take care of, Mamako." She said as a little boy walked out from behind her, "Mamako this is (y/n) he and his mother failed to meet the parameters of the objective. As a result, they drifted apart and his mother, unfortunately, disowned and abandoned him." She said making me tear up, "That's horrible!" I said as I began to cry, "A mother should never abandon her children!" I said, "She said so many horrible things to him before she left." She said, "What do you want me to do?" I asked, "I was hoping that you would take him in." She said, "Of course I'll take him in!" I said as I walked over to (y/n), "How old is he?" I asked, "He is three-years-old." She said, "He's still only a baby." I said as I hugged (y/n). "Hi sweetie, I'm Mamako and I'm going to be your new mother." I said, "Mama?" (y/n) said in confusion, "That's right, sweetie. I'm your new Mama." I said then I noticed that his right cheek was red, "Did someone hurt you, sweetie?" I asked he nodded, "Here let Mommy make it all better." I said as I kissed his cheek, suddenly his cheek began to glow and when it stopped his cheek was all better, "Looks like you've unlocked a new skill, Mother's Kiss. It can heal small injuries." Shirase said, "This means that I can help my babies when they scrape their knees or get a boo-boo!" I said excitedly, "Yes well I'll be going now." Shirase said as she left, "Well (y/n) let's go. Let's go and have lots of fun and exciting adventures together." I said.

Let's Have Lots of Adventures(male child reader X adoptive mother Mamako Oosuki)Where stories live. Discover now