Chapter 3

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Stacy POV

It was five-thirty in the morning when I woke up, "Alright, time to get ready for the day! If I ever wanna be (y/n)'s mother again I have to give it my all!" I said as I walked downstairs, "I'll make everyone a nice breakfast." I said as I entered the kitchen only to find Mamako humming some song as she cooked, "Oh looks like Mamako-San's already handling the cooking." I said, "Oh well then I'll get started cleaning (y/n)'s sheets. Poor thing can't go a week without wetting the bed." I said as I walked to the laundry room only to find Mamako there as well still humming the same song, "How did you? You know what it doesn't matter I'll just go start cleaning the house then!" I said as I turned around and saw her there too! "WHAT ARE YOU MAMAKO-SAN?!" I shouted as I ran down a hall of Mamako's that were all smiling and laughing at me with a carefree glee. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted as I ran into (y/n)'s room and found him standing on a chair facing the window, "(y/n) sweetie what are you doing up this early? Did you have another accident sweetheart?" I asked he shook his head, "Alright then let me tuck you back into bed, alright baby." I said as he began to turn around and suddenly it was Mamako-San standing before me.

"MAMAKO NO!" I shouted as I woke up in a cold sweat, "What a horrible nightmare." I said, "Sleepy." (y/n) said groggily as he woke up next to me, "Shh, I'm sorry baby. Just go back to sleep." I said as I kissed the top of his head.

"Well, you sure slept in late." Mamako said, "Well let's chalk that up to exhaustion via a rather annoying and persistent nightmare." I said. 

Let's Have Lots of Adventures(male child reader X adoptive mother Mamako Oosuki)Where stories live. Discover now