Chapter 1

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(y/n) POV

"Ok sweetie say ah. Ah." Mama said, "Ah." I said as she put a spoon in my mouth, "How does it taste sweetie?" Mama asked as she pulled the spoon out of my mouth, "It good." I said, "Oh I'm so glad you like it." Mama said happily, "Ok let's have a nice lunch, your big brother and the rest of our party should be home soon then we can all eat together as a happy family." She said, "Mama." I said, "Is everything, alright sweetheart?" She asked, "Mmm." I grumbled, "It's alright sweetie, you can tell Mommy." Mama said, "Accident." I said in embarrassment, "It's alright honey you're still a baby and accidents happen. Now let's go get you cleaned up." Mama said cheerfully.

"Mom we're back." Masato said, "Ma-Kun, I'll be out in just a minute Mommy had something to take care of." Mama said, "There, all better." Mama whispered sweetly.

??? POV

"I found you," I said as I looked at the guildhall, "This time I'll win." I said.

(y/n) POV

"I want you to stay by my side, ok sweetie." Mama said sweetly before I ran off and hugged someone. "Sweetie don't run off!" Mama said, "(y/n)?" the woman I hugged said, "Stacy!" I said suddenly she pulled me behind her, "(y/n) stay behind me!" Stacy said, "(y/n) as soon as I deal with her and your mother I'm taking you home!" Stacy said, "Aww, (y/n) sweetie did you make a friend?" Mama said as she walked over to us, "I'm not his friend...I'm his mother!" Stacy said, "But Shirase told me that (y/n)'s mother left him here." Mama said, "Figures, Houki never was good with (y/n)." Stacy said, "Mama." I said, "Yes sweetie?" Mama and Stacy said, "I don't get it if you're (y/n) mommy then who was the woman who abandoned him?" Mama asked, "That was his mother Houki Osawa. She can only be called his mother because she gave birth to him." Stacy said, "I am (y/n)'s mother, but technically I'm his step-mom." Stacy said, "It's very nice to meet you, I'm Mamako Oosuki. I adopted (y/n) last week. Let's continue this little chat over a nice cup of tea." Mama said as I ran over to her.

Mamako POV

"So Miss Stacy why are you here? It seems like you have a fairly good relationship with (y/n)." I said, "Yes (y/n) and I, are very close. It's his sister that's the problem, oh I'm sorry was the problem." Stacy said, "Houki told me about this game that's supposed to bring mothers closer to their kids. I hoped that it would bring my daughter, Terra, and me closer together and it really did help! She wasn't too happy with me since I cheated on her father and then when I divorced him to be with (y/n)'s father she tried to just pretend that I just didn't exist. Eventually, Toshiro told Houki about us, but by then Houki was already pregnant with (y/n). When (y/n) was born Houki just gave him to us and for three years he was my son until Houki demanded to see (y/n), sadly when (y/n) went to live with her it was the week of our wedding. Eventually, I decided to come here with Terra. We were here for months by the time we were finally able to leave, but that was only because we were a tad bit preoccupied looking for (y/n). See one day Terra and I were out having lunch when my class changed from Archer's Mother to Archer's Mother and Paladin's Step-Mother. Since I only have one stepchild I knew it was (y/n). We decided to find him and leave as a family. Now, where's Houki? I wanna punch her teeth in before I take (y/n) back home to Texas with me, and then I'll be getting divorced again." Stacy said, "I'm sorry but she logged out after she disowned (y/n)." I said as I took a sip of tea, "Mama." (y/n) said, "Here sweetie drink your milk so you can grow big and strong. Can you do that for Mommy." I said as he took a sip of milk, "Amazing! I haven't been able to get him to drink his milk since he was a newborn and all you had to do was ask him to." Stacy said, "Well it's a mother's job to encourage her children to do what's best for them whether that's going to school or drinking their milk." I said, "Well this has been fun and all but we should be going." Stacy said as she got up, "Come along (y/n)." She said, "No (y/n) will be staying with us!" Wise said as she scooped up (y/n), "Well Mamako do you feel this way as well?" Stacy asked, "Well I do love (y/n) and I always did want to have another baby." I said, "Very well then I challenge you Mamako Oosuki, the winner will get to be (y/n)'s mother and there will be no objections from any party on the results." Stacy said.

Let's Have Lots of Adventures(male child reader X adoptive mother Mamako Oosuki)Where stories live. Discover now