Chapter 2

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Mamako POV

"Alright! The competition between Stacy and Mamako will begin with the washing clothes contest!" Wise said, "BEGIN!" She shouted I raised my Altura of Mother Ocean and created a giant ball of water around (y/n)'s clothes, "Gentle cycle, please." I said as the water gently washed the clothes, "Not bad Mamako not bad at all, but I can top that." Stacy said as she killed a monster behind us.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE AN ARCHER! SO WHY DO YOU HAVE A SWORD?!" Ma-Kun said, "Oh I am but thanks to my darling step-son I'm also able to use the powers of a paladin

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"I THOUGHT YOU WERE AN ARCHER! SO WHY DO YOU HAVE A SWORD?!" Ma-Kun said, "Oh I am but thanks to my darling step-son I'm also able to use the powers of a paladin. Sword skills, magic, casting spells without chanting, and of coarse I maintain my archer abilities." Stacy said as she sheathed her sword and a bow appeared in her hand.

" Stacy said as she sheathed her sword and a bow appeared in her hand

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"This is my player bonus item, Lucifer's Bow." She said, "Pretty." (y/n) said, "Thank you, honey." Stacy said as she drew her bowstrings back and two blue glowing arrows formed as she pulled back the strings. She released one of the arrows and a giant bubble of water formed and several tendrils of water picked up the clothes and pulled them inside the bubble. The water inside the bubble began to swirl cleaning the clothes, "And finally time to dry the clothes." She said as she fired the second arrow that began to glow red and green and once it hit the water bubble it popped the bubble and replaced it with a sphere of hot wind that dried and folded the cloths. "Wow, that's very useful!" I said, "See Mamako it's clear that I'm the winner here so why don't we end this silly little onesided contest and hand my baby over to me." Stacy said, "No I won't be doing that." I said, "And why is that?" She said as I drew Terra di Madre of Mother Earth and slashed at her, "Because, a mother will do anything for her children especially if that means she must fight to keep them." I said, "You know Mamako I thought you'd be reasonable. I thought since you're a mother that you'd understand! But I guess I was wrong!" Stacy said as she shot several arrows at me, "MOM!" Ma-Kun shouted as he put up his shield and blocked the arrows for me, "Ma-Kun!" I said happily, "MAMA!" (y/n) cried as he ran to me when I turned around I saw (y/n) with a deep cut on his arm, it was bleeding badly, immediately dropped my swords and ran to him, "!" (y/n) cried, "Shh you're gonna be ok, sweetheart!" I said worriedly as Porta ran over to us and handed me a roll of cloth. I kissed the cloth and wrapped the wound, "Sweetheart!" I said as I hugged him, "I...I shot him. I...I shot...I shot my baby." Stacy said in shock, "Yes you did." Ma-Kun said, "(y...y/n) baby, I...I'm so sorry."Stacy cried as her bow vanished and she fell to her knees. "Stay with him, please Ma-Kun." I said he nodded as I walked over to Stacy. "Miss Stacy do you know why I refused to let you have (y/n)?" I asked she shook her head, "It's because of this." I said as I opened my info and showed her what I've been hiding. "I'm not just the mother of the normal hero, I'm also the adoptive mother of the paladin. Do you see now why I can't just give him up." I said, "Y...Yes." Stacy cried, "I'm more than happy to let you be a part of his life." I said sweetly, "I...I'd like that very much. B...But how would that work cause if you haven't noticed I'm not big on the whole sharing thing." She said, "Well you wouldn't be his mother you could be his loving and very protective aunt." I said, "I...I understand, I completely get it. I...I need to earn my way back to having the right to be his mother." She said.

"So uh tell me again why we're all in the bath together?" Stacy asked, "NAKED MEETING!" (y/n) laughed as he splashed around.

Let's Have Lots of Adventures(male child reader X adoptive mother Mamako Oosuki)Where stories live. Discover now