The Prolouge

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It was a dark and stormy night. That's how they all start, right? All those stories of mystery and thriller, start on dreary nights? Well, this one is no different, I suppose. On a foggy London night, when rain dribbled down the shingles of the buildings into the gutters, Sat a small pale unicorn in a small flat on the 5th floor. A unicorn? What a strange way to start us off. Indeed, a unicorn, pink curly mane, tired eyes, and a well dressed sense of himself. His eyes were locked with a vial, a small vial filled with a glimmering green liquid. Now, I suppose we should start at the beginning of all this. It might clar some things up, and bring a new light on this odd scene. I'd assume you have questions onto why a unicorn, and why in London. What is that strange liquid, and many other unanswered things.

The beginning is hard to pinpoint exactly. We could start at the big bang, when the universe exploded with vigor into existence. That might be too far back however. We could start at the dawn of man, but that again seems a bit off. No, the perfect place to begin takes place in, a whole other world. Full of color, mythical creatures, magical abilities, and endless possibilities. Quite a jump from the small flat in London id assume, but yes, our story begins here. But nothing here is all sunshine and rainbows. (though, it would be fairly accurate to assume it mostly is) This story begins on the dawn of war. A tyrannical power, with an iron grip, and a group of those who are forming a rebellion. On one side of the ring, sits across the sea. Sitting in a throne made of gold, draped in only the best garments, King Leo. A Manticore type creature, with a scorpion tail and a quick wit to match. The other, back across the sea, sitting in a small pub called 'The Sea Shanty', sat a group of 5. Two unicorns, a pegasus, and two regular looking equines. One just like our friend at the beginning, only younger and less, depressed looking. The other unicorn was a royal blue, with flowing golden mane. The pegasus had wings of silver feathers, and grey fur to match with his dusty blue mane. The other two, were shades of brown and light gold, dappled with color. The group all sat at a table, talking joyously with themselves, getting gloriously drunk off what looked to be some alcoholic beverage. They didn't have a care in the world, smiling and laughing before breaking out in a drinking song. War was on their heels, yet they didn't have a care in the world. This is a large leap, I hope you're still with me. From a London flat to this magical world, it's a bit much. I assure you, It will all start coming together.

Now I suppose I should introduce the main character. Yes, indeed it is the pink unicorn. Mane curly and ruffled, and eyes full of spunk filled hotheadedness. This, my dear reader, Is Henry. What a normal sounding name for a mythical beast. Henry Diane-Pie Jekyll was the name he went by, in a world where names such as "Sugarbelle" and "Gumdrops" also existed. Such room for creativity, and he chose the name Henry. 

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