Chapter 5

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"Not going." Kim crossed her arms and sat down. It was childish, but Tsukasa lied to her face.

"Kim, Tsukasa is asking for you to go see him." Ukyo pleaded. She huddled lower into her cloak. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why are you like this?"

"Just because he thinks he's the strongest guy here doesn't mean he's in charge!" She flung out her arms.

"Yeah, it kinda does."

"Nope!" She turtled again. "I may not have his 'physical prowess' but I don't think he's met someone like me." She said stubbornly.


"So, I'm staying right here." She huffed. He sighed heavily and she watched him leave. She knew he was on his way to tell Tsukasa about her temper tantrum.

"He wants to sit there and lie to my face about this stupid Empire of his, he's gonna realize he just lost his medic." She muttered to herself. She stood and made her way to Chrome's holding cell.

On her way there, she had passed Nikki, Yuzuriha and Taiju huddled close, talking low. She paused and watched them. Since just before Chrome was captured Nikki had been hanging around those two more and more. She hated that she was no longer friends with any of them.

"I hate this place." She grunted.


She finally arrived at the cells. Yo had definitely let the power go to his head. He had made himself a police baton and wasn't afraid to use it whenever the chance presented itself.

"Sorry, Kim. Can't let you see the primitive boy. Who knows what kind of diseases he has." She glanced up at Chrome, he was watching intently. Kim lolled her head back to Yo. She folded her arms, cocked her hip and popped her lips loudly.

"Did you forget what my job is?" She glared up at him.


"Did Tsukasa say I wasn't allowed to check on my patient? Cuz I took my Hippocratic Oath seriously. I don't care who is hurt or sick. I take care of them. If they come into this compound, I take care of them. I really don't care what Tsukasa's gotta say." Yo held up his hand.

"Shut up. I don't wanna hear about your philosophy. Jesus, I've heard it before." He rolled his eyes.

"OK then, I'm going to check on Chrome." Yo opened his mouth." I can keep going, I love to talk."He swung his baton toward the cell." Thank you."

She climbed up to his cell and sighed. Chrome stood at the bars staring her down.

" Chrome, darling. You're gonna have to back up. I need to come in to check you out. "

" Check me out? For what? That jerk Tsukasa and Hyoga? No way!" He had crossed his arms then flung them out to emphasize his point. Kim chuckled.

"I work seperatly from those two. As you heard I took an oath and I take that very seriously. I'm only here to help, not harm." she paused. "Though I'm not above getting even. Now..." She waved her hand, shooeing him away from the bars. "Back up."

He still looked skeptical. She signed again. "What can I do to have you trust me? Tell you I knew Senku from before we all turned to stone? Tell you that I use to work in a hospital, which is like a huge healing center.

" Chrome, you say you're a scientist. Well, so am I, in a sense. I just work more with the human body than anything else. Please, I just want to make sure you're OK." She pleaded.
He took a moment and looked her over.

"You knew Senku?" She smiled.

"Yeah, we were neighbors. Though we'd been friends for many years."

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