Chapter 16

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*mentions of drug use as well as some sexual situations. *

"Kim, come with me." Senku poked his head into the clinic office. "We've got a phone call." The pair made their way towards the phone. Ukyo was on the other end.

"Oh, that so? The shorelines all ragged?" Senku spoke into the speaker.

"Inland too." Ukyo responded. Gen asked if something was wrong. Kim nodded.

"The geography has changed." She rubbed her forehead, trying to figure out why. Senku laughed.

"It's pretty obvious, if you think about it. Like always, real scientists would be pretty disappointed in me for forgetting what happens every few centuries." He paused waiting for the others to figure it out. "The eruption of Fuji." Kim and Gen finally caught on.
"Each blast is a cataclysm capable of reshaping the land itself! And during the 3,700 years we slept, it must have blown its top at least four or five times, maybe as many as ten times.
"So, any modern topography we have is ten billion percent useless."

"Im actually surprised we didn't get caught in a lava flow or something while we were statues." Kim said.

"So, we need a new map, then. One pieced together bit by bit." Ukyo spoke.

"C'mon!! Can't we get by without that?!" They heard Chrome complain.

"I'm afraid not. Digging for oil haphazardly, not knowing where on Earth we were, would be a wild plea to the Gods of Fate. Not to mention dangerous." Ukyo explained. Senku stared at hole into the receiver, thinking.

"If only we could ride on a big bird and look down from the sky..." Suika spoke up. Kim hadn't heard her come up." From way up high, we could see exactly what the land looks like."

"BINGO!!!" Senku exclaimed, pointing at the child. Kim and Gen jumped at his sudden outburst.

"Were gonna fly?!" Suika questioned.

"Gonna build a plane, or a jet, hun?" Kim chuckled, patting the young girl on the head.

"I need hemp." Senku continued, obvious to the comments around him. "Every last person has gotta start gathering up a ton of it... And this is where we make use of all those Dragos they've been saving up, because unless they get to work harvesting hemp, that all important oil is never gonna be ours."

Kim and Gen glanced at each other.

"Ah... We're delving into the world of high finance already, are we?" Gen gave a devilish smirk and snuck off. Kim watched the mentalist seemingly glide to the caves, off to start a financial boom for the Kingdom of Science.

"Soooo...." Kim drawled. "Hemp, hmmm?" She slinked over to Senku. He nodded as the pair made their way back toward the clinic.

"Yeah, we'll need as much as we can find for our next exciting build." He smirked. Kim nodded, humming in agreement. She placed her hand in the crook of his elbow, slowing them down.

"You do know hemp's, uh, medicinal uses, right?" She said, hushed. He paused.

"I'm aware of the so-called medicinal uses. But, nothing was ever proved." They continued walking.

"That's because of the government classifying a poor plant in the same catagory as, say, meth or heroin.
"But, in my professional opinion, hemp would definitely be something our wonderful practice could use.
"Any side effects of its use are totally negated by the powerful outcome. Also, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but, we do have an anxiety and depression issue with our people." She cleared her throat. "And I'm talking about those from our time."

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