•Abuse (very rare)
°If you're under 21+ and still wanna read this shit I'm okay with it but with your own risk honey
Book of WTF(went too far)smuts™
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~A very close Friend/Teasing Smut
You were at your guy friend house. You guys loved challenging each other with dares and stuff. You were so comfortable with each other like friends with benifits and also some people shipped both of you. It was around 23:54PM and you were laying on Jiyong lap:
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He was playing on his xbox and you as always on your phone watching stuffs. Suddenly he broke the silence.
'I'm bored' he said as he put his playstation aside 'DONOBODY CARE' you shouted as you jumped and started jumping up and down like a crazy ass child when he got supriced by your sudden action and the he chuckled to himself
'Bitch come here' he said pointing the seat near him 'What?' You said as you sat near him 'Let's go to club and get drunk' he said as he smirked 'Woah, I'm in' you said back smirking
Both of you went and changed clothes You:
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'You ready bitch?' You asked him 'Yas dude let's go' he answered
You arrived at the club and went inside. It was chaotic obviously. You could see people getting drunk, smoking, grinding each other while dancing. Both of you went to the bar ordering already drinks. He order some coctail for him and you some wine. Both of you sat somewhere and when you guys finished your drinks, you went to grab some more. When you came back you saw Jiwon with some white stuff in his face.
'You taking drugs? Again?' You asked him 'Don't worry it's not that strong so calm down' he said
You looked at him with annoy face and went to the W/C looking at yourslef in the mirror looking how pissed you are. You went back to him saying that you're gonna leave cause you were tired already and it was almost 01:37AM.
When you arrived in his house after 30minutes you took a bath and then went to his bedroom to sleep. You were staying at his apartment at the weekends cause you had nothing else to do except messing around with him.
/Jiyong POV\
I was very drunk at this moment that my friends dropped me home. When they dropped me home I went inside going straight into my bedroom, seeing her peacyfully sleeping there unbothered, not wanting to know if I make it till home like before. I smiled to myself that I am so lucky having her. I went to take a shower and when I finished I went back to my bedroom dressing into my pijamas and going inside my bed as I came a little to my sence.
/Your POV\
I was sleeping when suddenly I felt two big pair of hands back hugging me. I knew who it was and didn't mind so I continued to sleeping. After minutes there was hard breathing around my neck. Is Jiwon having a wet dream? I turned around and faced him. His hair was a little wet and his hair was covering his eyes so I bit removed his hair but I guess he felt that
'Why you left me?' He asked you in his sleepy voice that you barely heard him 'Huh?' 'At the club' 'I told you, I was tired' 'Ohh' he said and you could hear the sadness in his voice
You hugged him and his head was touching the crook of your neck and you told him to sleep cause he was still a bit drunk. After minutes you felt him kissing your neck and it gaved you goosebumps.
'I want you so bad' he said in sleepy voice 'What?' Your eyes widened from the sudden words he said 'Jiyong sleep you need to rest' you whispered
He suddenly looked at you and you didn't know what to say
'I am being serious right now' he said 'I-' you lost your words not knowing what to say when he slowly approached your face and kissed your lips softly, seconds later you gave in and he liked it, he hovered above you and he started kissing down to your jaw and then slowly to your neck leaving hickeys when you lowly moaned. He suddenly looked at you realising what he did.
'No I can't' 'Why?' 'You are very young to get destroyed by me' 'Im only 9 years younger than you also I am 23 now so I can do whatever I want' 'Yeah for you is okay but for me it's not you still like a baby for me-'
You suddenly kissed him. You didn't care what he was saying. You wanted him to feel comfortable around you. Supricingly he kissed you back and then he started kissing you deeply. You started undressing each other when suddenly he looked at you, your hair covering your face as he removed it a little and then slowly kissed you again.
'I know you want me bad as I want you too but if you were only 3 years younger than me then oh god, I would have destroyed you' he said as he looked deep in your eyes
You kissed him while hovering him and he hold you by your thighs squeezing them.
'It's okay, it's up to you but next time if you'll stop I will continue it' you said as you smirked
Then he again hovered you and hugged you. His head on the crook of your neck kissing it once again and his hand around your waist. You played with his soft hair a little and then both of you guys felt asleep...
It was teasing one so it wasnt a really smut....NIAOU