•Abuse (very rare)
°If you're under 21+ and still wanna read this shit I'm okay with it but with your own risk honey
Book of WTF(went too far)smuts™
'Oh so you call me slut because I flirt with them and you're not a slut for fucking with the girls? Heoseung your logic sucks like I'm dead serious' you shouted across the class cursing Heoseung
'Oh please-' he was about to say but you interrupted him 'Shut up! Whenever you see a hole, you'll put your dick in it' you shouted and everyone was speechless, even he himself 'Heoseung just sit your ass down, don't waste your time and the teacher will be here any time soon' his friend Dongrim said that was next to him sitting, pulling him down to sit.. 'She's not okay' Heoseung said as he sat down 'You kinda are the same Seung, both of you will bomb the fuck up if you're mad' Dongrim said receiving a glare from Seung
•Break Time•
You were on your locker putting your books back in it, when out of nowhere Seung appeared next to you closing your locker making a big noise and with that you got surprised, one of his hands were on the locker looking at you up and down, interrupting his thoughts you said
'What? Is your new mission is to fuck me too?' You said eyerolling 'Yes, but not in that way' he said glaring at you 'Oh wow, I'm interested, seeing you lose is my satisfaction' you said smirking and left him there standing 'We'll see!!' He shouted so you can hear him
You went to the canteen to grab something to eat and went to the bench that you always sit with your fellas and greeted them..
'Girl, what the fuck was that earlier?' Your friend Yoonhwa asked you 'What was what?' You asked confused chewing your food 'Justhis' she said and with that you choked on your food 'Jeez, girl calm down, here drink this' Yoonhway said and gave you a bottle of water while slapped you really hard on your back so you stop choking but she made it even worse 'Anyways *cough* nothing hap- *cough* happened he is just a *cough* bitch' you said and drink once again the water 'Oh, we know this already' she said
•Skip time to the lesson•
'Okay class, so I paired up everybody so you can start working on your project' your teacher said and everyone started groaning 'Oh please, just don't tell his disgusting name' you said and with that you heard your teacher calling your name with his name 'FUCKKKKKK' Both of you and Heoseung groaned 'What? You don't like it? Then you can go and clean the room 487' you teacher said 'Better clean that room that is abandoned rather having project with a fuckboy' you said and left the class 'Why is she cursing me? Did I even cursed at her right now?' Seung looked confused facing Dongrim 'Bro.....you called her slut, she might be still virgin and you called her slut' Dongrim said with a face that couldn't believe Justhis behavior 'Bet she's not, anyways I'm leaving' Heoseung said and left the class too going towards the class 487