•Abuse (very rare)
°If you're under 21+ and still wanna read this shit I'm okay with it but with your own risk honey
Book of WTF(went too far)smuts™
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~Ex-Truth or dare/Fluffy(?)
You and your fellas were at the beach playing truth or dare sitting in a circle as the sunset was setting down.
In the circle was Inho, Sungho, Minji, Hakyeon and you..
On your left side was sitting Minji and on your right side Hakyeon.
You spinned the bottle as everyone looked at each other, then the bottle stops...
'Truth or Dare Sungho?" Minji asked Sungho 'Truth' he said with a poker face
Minji glanced at you and then back at Sungho
'Hmmm...Do you have crush on someone?' She asked smirking 'No' he said with poker face for once again 'Sungho you're no fun' Minji said complaining 'Moving onnnn' you said and spinned the bottle again landing on Inho and Hakyeon 'Truth or dare Inho?' Hakyeon asked Inho 'Dare!' He answered 'I dare you to flirt with Minji'
Minji started laughing as Inho did the same
'Minji honey how are you sweetie? You look beautiful today' Inho said with imitating voice trying not to crack up 'Ohh Inho i didn't know you have flirting skills' Minji said 'Ew disgusting' you said and everybody started laughing
Minji now spinned the bottle and it stopped you and Sungho
'Thruth or dare?' He asked you 'Truth' you said looking directly in his eyes 'You guys are no fun saying only the truth' Minji complained for once again 'When was your last relationship?' He asked you smirking 'Uhm.... It was in the 10th grade' you said looking at him knowing that he was your last relationship you had with
You and Sungho were in relationship for almost 7 months but it was toxic... And that's why you broke up with him. He was toxic with you for many dumb reasons... Only Minji knew about your relationship with Sungho
'Okay let's continue' Inho said breaking the awkward silence and spinned the bottle 'Ooooo truth or dare?' Minji asked you 'I'm going to choose dare for your sake so stop complaining' 'YES!' She jumped out of excitement 'I dare you to sit on Sunghos lap..till we leave' she said smirking, you rolled your eyes and whispered to her 'i hate you' and stood up going towards Sungho 'Hii' you said ironically as you sat on his lap and his hands traveld around your waist. He whispered to your ear saying that it was okay so you wouldn't be uncomfortable
You guys continued playing till the sun set down completely...
'Okay guys let's get dressed and leave it's already pretty dark' Hakyeon said getting up as everyone did the same
You were about to get up but Sungho hold you, Minji saw that and panicked
'Oh shit guys I was about to forget to tell you what I saw earlier, you will like it now let's goooo' Minji said as she pushed Hakyeon with Inho towards the parking
You tried again to stand up but Sungho didn't let you
'Stay still' he said to your ear giving you goosebumps 'Sungho.. We need to leave let me go' 'No' 'What do you mean no?! YES?!' You said facing him and your eyes met... (Time to cringe srr)
'Oh shit' you thought 'Sungho, will you let me go? We need to leave you know, we're not staying here till tomorrow you know' 'No' 'Why?' 'Just because' he said and half smiled 'Fuckkkkk' you thought 'Okay let me change the question' you said as he nodded 'What do you want?' you asked and he smirked with that 'In your dreams Sungho, N to the O, noo' you said trying to free yourself from his grip, but waste of time 'Why?' He asked 'Just because' you imitate him 'Now let me go' you added
He finally let go off you and with that Inho came.
'Oh my, guys you're so slooooooow' Inho whined while he picked up some stuffs 'It's because somebody was a bitch to me so yeah' you said 'Who bitch? Sungho?' Inho asked confused 'Yes' you answered 'Daymn, okay whatever Sungho will you take her home?' 'No-' you were cut off 'Yes' Sungho said 'You guys are weird' Inho said and with that he left
'I hate you' you said 'Sure you do' Sungho said as he grabbed his stuff and both of you left to his car 'Yes I do, after what you did to me' you complained as you arrived to his car
He brought you home helping you to carry your things inside your apartment.. You went to the kitchen to put some things back to their places when suddenly you turn around facing Sunghos face... Too closeee..
'What?' you asked 'Nothing, I'm just trying to see if you really hate me or just saying bullshit' he said as he looked at your eyes 'Bullshit my ass-' you were cut off 'Say it again, that you hate me, but look directly in my eyes so I can believe you' he said admiring your face now 'I. Hate. You-' ugh you were cut off again for the 3rd time (author eyerolls eyes)
He kissed you softly, for the 1st time softly
'I know you don't hate me' 'Oh, how can I not hate you when our relationship was toxic as fuck' 'We were young back then-' you cut him off now 'Oh really? Then why would you curse at me when I was only going to hang out with my cousins? Why would you let marks on me when I told you I will have sleepover with Minji? Tell me! Why you didn't trust me? Why when you were going to hang out I shut my mouth and sat there like a fucking statue waiting for your message to see if you're okay?' You said almost shouting at him 'I wanted you all by myself and I couldn't control myself back then' he said looking down at you
Slowly his hands went up to your cheeks holding them and squeezing them lightly while you hold his hands making eyecontact
You took a deep breath and said..
'You need to leave' you said in a low voice almost whispering 'I can't leave you' he whispered (cringe ik) 'No Sungho, you can. You already did this to me once and you'll do it again' you said again almost shouting as he hugged you tight trying to hold you 'I won't, I promise' he said with a calm voice 'No, whatever it is no. I'm not gonna make the same mistakes' you said trying to free from his hug but he didn't let you go till you calm down 'I promise, I won't be toxic' he said trying to calm you as he kissed your forehead. You took a deep breath and answered him 'No Sungho that's it, we can stay friends but nothing more. I said what I needed to say' you said finally and calmed down.
He now let go off you and looked at you
'It's okay, at least let me show you that I changed' he said and kissed your forehead for once again..