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Loki sat on his private chambers. Mounts of paper work were waiting for him to check them and do the required thing on the cold ,rich dark desk.

He was currently staring at the letter from the King of Nidaveiller. He wanted a second bridge between his realm and the other 8 , not a one that was passing from there.

He wanted to be equals with Asgard. The one that was all above the others, the one that was on the top of The Tree.

If the day wasn't already spitefull enough.

First, Fenrir bit Tyr's arm off. He wasn't angry at his son or anything. But as The Allfather now, it was expected from him to punish the creature, his son.

Not that anyone cared.

Then... he had to make a meeting with.... his kind... Laufey...

He and two other of him were to stay here, in his palace for some time. "As a sign of peace" he said, with that icy and sick smirk.

It was obvious he got that from him.

Even the thought of it sickened Loki.

For some reason , other than his unwillingness to face and to be in his presence,something was disturbing him.

Maybe it was the fear of him learning his true parentage.

Little people knew it. Only 3 to be exact , with Frigga and Odin dead now. Of course Heimdall, Thor, who learned it in one of his rage crysiss. And his beloved wife, Sigyn. She had the right to know. She had the right to hate him and curse the words of royalty she made in that unholy day.*

But, she never did.

When he had told her with a pumpous rage, she had looked at him unexplainably. Telling him it was kind of him to tell his clandestine to her.

He had waited a look of terror, words of despise in a shaky tone of fear.

When she had seen his slight shock, not displeased but confused, she had placed the materials in her hand s to their places. She'd walked to him in the matching colour of dark blue silk gown and her eyes, enlightened by the various candles that were lit in their acceptance room.

A soft, nearly sad but somehow lulling smile had stretched on her lips. Her dark blue eyes as tranquill,soft and welcoming as a river , asleep in the middle of night.

She had sat gracefull next to him on the big confortable black leather couch. Her small , slightly damp hand over his cold cheek. She'd stared at his burning green eyes seriously in a loving matter. The emotion emitting fron her big pure eyes had been so dominant - something rare for her. He wanted to avert his looks free but they were way too captivating.

"Loki, now that I know your true heritage doesn't mean I will treat you any different."

"You are the same person. The same mischevious, naughty and tricky little guy i met when we were so little, the same little boy who gave me a flower.*"She smiled cheeky-ly"I'm just happy that you gave me an information of privacy. I still love you as much as I did a few minutes ago."Loki could simply feel the love radiating from her.

They had spent the rest of the night together.

An unconscious smile eased his knitted features. But noticing that it was distracting him, he got back to papers, thus, frowning.


Hey there!!!

If you are reading this thank you!

This is my first ever story published here and second i had ever published... So.... yeah...Nothing much... Please be kind?

Anyways, i have tree chapters ready, waiting to be typed down so i will probably publish the next chapter in a few days!!

*Actually Sigyn was to marry an Einherjar commander,Theoric, but Loki, who fell for Sigyn kills him and disguises himself as Theoric. As they make their vows, Loki lifts the disguise and reveals himself. As an exeption , Odin gives Sigyn the right to take her words back. But she says she will keep her word. And later she is declared as the Goddess of Fidelity.

*According to Myths Loki and Sigyn met when Loki gave her a purple flower to enchant her.

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