Mission Objective

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"You wanted to see me Sonia?" The blue fighter questions as he stood in front of his superior's desk. Waiting for clarification for why he was summoned for a classified mission.

"Yes.." a woman of red turned to look at the other before going through her screens. "We have gotten information about an illegal underground fighting rink down at the rundown sector." She passes a screen to the fighter of multiple images of people and bots fighting and deadly wounded. "But we don't have enough information to secure the area and shut it down."

".... why are you telling me this?"

"I want you to go undercover. We need an inside man to see what's going on down there and to map out how big this issue really is."

"Why me? You could've asked Scarlett. She seems more capable of handling this."

"She's too... recognizable... you on the other hand. With the right disguise, you'll fit right in... Or are you too afraid?"

The male clenches his fists in thought before sighing. "What do I need to do?" The woman simply smiled.

"I sent you all the information you need. Your disguise and needed gear will be shipped to your home...

Good luck Connor..."

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