Part 17. Eiffel Tower.

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I’ve been staying in Paris for almost a week, and I have a few days left before I come home to LA. I wore a red lose dress and a black hat the one George wore on our date to the pizza parlor, he didn’t mind giving it to me and I thought it’ll be cool to wear it.

Having so much quality time with Jack, he’s literally always with me 24/7.  I still have people asking to take pictures of me, which was cute. If I told them that I wasn’t Ella, they would know I was lying. So I kept it going.

I had my sketch book with me, we were both sitting down the park under the Eiffel Tower. Jack had his shades on, and was sleeping on my lap. His snores did annoy me and ruining my concentration on making the tower.

“Stop snorring”, I patted Jack’s cheeks.
He mumbled and adjusted his body sideways, “Do you know you’re head is heavy as a rock?”, I told him again. Saying it loudly so he could hear.

“Can you just let me sleep?”, he stretched and moaned.

His quiff ticked my bare leg, “That’s it”, I shoved his body off mine and put his head on his own bag. “Comfy?”, I asked. He just nodded and dozed off again.

This is partly my fault why he gets so sleepy every now and then, I’ve gotten used to the nightlife. Clubbing and partying,  not that I could get over George because of that. I still think of him, eventhough I’ve been flirted by gorgeous french boys. But they’re just rude, and I have my the necklac George gave me.

Everytime I have doubts, my finger would trace through it. Holding it tight, and thinking of him.

My iPhone buzzed, “what now”, I sighed.

George: Hey

Ella: Hey! What you up to?

George: We have two days off so the boys are going back home J

Ella: Oh that’s nice, tell your family I said hi!

George: course I will, I miss you. Anything new?

Ella: I miss you too bananas. At the eiffel tower, wish you were here

George: I need my passport sorted out :/

Ella: if it is come visit me in LA. Jack’s sleeping here :L

George: You know I will if I can, enjoy your day

Ella: George?

George: yes, baby??

Ella: I love you xx

George: I know, love you more..

I sighed, it’s still so hard to be away from him. We never concluded wether how we’ll work it out. If he did make it through x factor, the boys will have a record deal and they might come over to LA if it’s posssible. Because there’s possibly work to be done there.

But that’s not until months, and my flight back doesn’t stop at London. It’s a day flight back to LA.

I could see a shadow over me, a person standing behind me. I thought it would be a random tourist just trying to take pictures over my back, so I ignored it and tried to finish my sketch.

The shadow didn’t move for ages, but I didn’t want to look back and see who it was. So I kept shading the sides.

“You have talent”, I stopped and put down my pencil. My heart beating fast, the sweet voice was so familiar. It just can’t be true.

I looked up, and I saw this good looking man I’m so familiar with.

I stood up, trying not to wake Jack up as well. Looking at his sculptured jaw, and strong arms, my hand swinged and he catched it.

“JJ…”, I hugged him tight… not wanting to let go, I can feel his breath tickling my neck as he kissed it. It still gives an electric shock wave across my body, “Miss me?”, he chuckled.

I hold his face, tracing it from his cheeks to his chin, then I hold his wide shoulders tight. “No, I’m just surprised”, I acted. Of course I miss him, as much as I don’t like him for not loving me back, deep down I still have feelings.

“How did you know I was here?”, my hands still hung lose on his shoulders.
Our bodies tight together, “Jack here texted me. I told him I’m coming”, he smirked.

I smiled looking down at Jack, can’t tell if he’s actually asleep or eaves dropping in our conversation.

“Why did you come?”, I asked him to sit down with me. He sat behind me, my body leaning into him. I had the biggest smile on my face, i still can't believe he'll fly all the way here.

He took a deep breath, and hold my hand, he covered it under his jacket so no one would see. "I've been thinking a lot about you, about us, about how sweet George is to you. And how i can never be that person, i can never make you happy the way he does.

I'm hoping to find my own way to make you feel so, and this is one of my attempt", he paused, i didn't want to say a word i just kept his hands close to my heart and listen to what he say without interrupting,

"I know what we're doing is wrong, i'm very aware of it. But if anything happens, i will face him. I will tell him the truth and say it's not your fault. I'll take the blame. You know, Ella? I've never been in love. Not once in 24 years, sure i have girlfriends but it ended in weeks.

And i want to setlle down, i'm getting older and i should be more mature. God, i'm not asking you to marry me. I have no idea, why but... I love you Ella", he whispered the last three words.

My face was still blank, i was starring at the Eiffel tower and tried to process everything he just said. 

"But i do know why, your personality, your laugh your smile your eyes, it's all contagious", he stroked my hair and kissed it gently, "I don't know how i could fall for you so fast. and out of all the people, you, one of my mates girlfriend. But i know you secretly love me too, i can tell. 

I can prove that you love me more than George, and this is how it should be. I'm the one flying from another country, to declare my love, my feelings for you on the most romantic place on earth. Probably not the most romantic way but", i cut him off.

"You know you're making everything complicated?", i sat back up and faced him, i looked at his face wrinkles under his eyes, he does look old compared to young George. He just sat there and looked at me.

"I tried to get over you, i'm still on that process. Because deep down, i do love you Hamblett. You have no idea what it's like to be me, coming back and forth between two boys. And i was glad i didn't have to chose at the end, because George was there with me when you weren't", both my hands holding his.

Then i looked down to Jack, who i'm sure is eavesdropping the whole time but i let him be, "Thank you for coming. But my heart is set with George, and with me leaving i know you can move on".

"It's not that simple Ella", he reminded me.
"None of this is simple okay? none of it was and will", i sighed.
"Give me one more chance", he kissed my knuckles.
"You had your chance. As much as i'm flattered having you here in Paris, i can't do this to George for the second time"...

Both of our eyes were tearing... What happened to Paris being the most romantic city in the world? Why do i sense i want to rename it as the most dramaful. Or is it just my relationship?

Had It All - Union J George Shelley JJ Hamblett FanficWhere stories live. Discover now