Chapter 1

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It all started as a normal day for both Jimin and Yoongi.

Yoongi woke up and went to his work and so did Jimin.

It all started when Jimin first saw Yoongi through the cafes windows and thought that he was the most precious angel he had ever seen.

Yoongi served the handsomest man that day and would wait for him to come back again.

Jimin had a thing for cute things and well, Min Yoongi was cute.

"Yoongi hyung get your lazy ass up or we will be late for work!" Jeon Jungkook yelled out.

Yoongi grunted and stretched his arms and legs before going up.

"I'm coming jesus".

Yoongi saw his black oversized hoodie on the floor and quickly put it on and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning" he grumbled.

"Morning baby hyung". Jungkook answered with a teasing smile.

"Yah stop disrespecting me so much you brat!" Yoongi was now pouting and reaching out his hands for the coffee.

Jungkook gave it to him while cooing.

"Hyung we have to hurry we need to leave in like 20 minutes."

"Ah, okay let's hurry up then." He said with his pout.


When they finally reached the cafe Hoseok greeted them with a big smile and told them to go and get ready for work.

The both boys put on their aprons and quickly started working and chatting when they could.

The hours passed quickly and it was soon time for closing. That's when Park Jimin walked by and saw the most precious baby in the whole wide world and decided to walk in.

Yoongi looked up when the bell rang and saw the handsome male.

"Oh... I wouldn't mind if he fuc- no Yoongi you need to concentrate!"

"Hello sir what would you like to order today?" Yoongi asked the beautiful male.

"You" Jimin mumbled so Yoongi wouldn't hear.

"Just one coffee please" He said instead.

"Okay sir, what's your name?" Yoongi smiled his pretty gummy smile and Jimin melted.

"It's Jimin".

"Jimin, that's such a pretty name". Yoongi thought.

"Your coffee will be right up Jimin" Yoongi smiles again and Jimin felt his heart flutter.

Jimin got his coffee and sat down to admire the beauty in front of him. When he finally was done he stood up and thanked Yoongi for the delicious coffee.

"No problem Jimin! Please come back soon!"

"Oh I definitely will" He answered with a wink that got Yoongi to blush a pretty pink.

When Jimin was outside the shop the first thing he said to Namjoon was:
"I want you to find everything you can about the man who gave me that coffee, I think I found my new interest".

Namjoon smiled and said "Yes sir."

And while that happened Yoongi was inside the cafe sighing contently while Jungkook looked at him with a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Hyung do you have a crush on that costumer?" He asked with a smirk.

"What! No!" Yoongi quickly denied. Even though they both knew that it was a lie.

"Mhmm if you say so hyung.."

"Okay so maybe I found him a little handsome, so what?"

"Nothing!" Jungkook said while laughing.

"Hoseok! Yoongi hyung has a crush!" Jungkook yelled out.

"Kookie!! Stooop!" Yoongi whined and crossed his arms.

That's when Hoseok comes running out and another interrogation starts.

"This is gonna be a long day" Yoongi thought while smiling softly. He loved his friends.

Okay that's it for now!! It's short but it's something right? Until next time rest a lot and take care of yourself! Mwah <3

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