Chapter 2

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It has been a week since the first meeting between the two boys.
After that day Jimin tried to come to the cafe everyday if he could. Yoongi always waited for him to come and if he did then it made Yoongi's day but if he didn't.. well Yoongi might have been a little pouty for that day.

Jimin and Yoongi got to know each other a little bit more for every time they met.
Even though Yoongi still doesn't know that Jimin is the Mafia leader that everyone is scared of (he himself included). Yoongi also doesn't know that everything he tells Jimin, Jimin already knows.

When Jimin asked Namjoon to find out stuff about Yoongi, Namjoon really did. He found stuff about his childhood, where he lives now, his sexuality (gay, which made Jimin happy) and a lot of other things. Jimin knows everything about Yoongi.

On the other hand, Yoongi doesn't know a lot about Jimin. Just the basic stuff like his name, his profession (which Jimin obviously lied about) and he also knows his sexuality because Jimin mentioned that he has dated both boys and girls when he was in High School. This also made Yoongi happy because he knows that he might have a tiny chance.

Jimin knows that he needs Yoongi, he wants him and will get him.

It's a sunny Wednesday when Jimin once again walks into the cafe. Yoongi hears the bell over the door ring and looks up with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

When Yoongi sees that it is Jimin he smiles his gummy smile and waves.

"Hello Jimin!! What do you want today?" Yoongi said with a happy tone in his voice.

"Just a coffee please." Jimin answered while walking to the register.

Yoongi nodded and wrote down the order and reached out his hand for Jimin's card. After the coffee was paid he went ahead and made it. The coffee is black with no sugar or cream.
"Just like my soul" would Jimin usually say in a joking matter.

The mafia boss loved to stare at Yoongi's beautiful face. He always gets surprised about how gorgeous Yoongi truly is. He often thinks about how it would feel to kiss Yoongi's small but plump lips when they are covered in Yoongi's pretty lipgloss. He also loves Yoongi's button nose and wants to boop it and do cute Eskimo kisses. Jimin really loves Yoongi's cat eyes too, they are so deep and always glimmer under the shine from the lamps.
Jimin just loves Yoongi's appearance.

Jimin was disturbed from his thinking when Yoongi giggled and told him that his coffee was done.

Jimin smiled and took the coffee and sat down at his usual table so he could stare at Yoongi a little bit more. Yoongi was just too pretty for this world. He is pretty sure that Yoongi is an angel.

Anyways while Jimin is looking at Yoongi, Yoongi is taking more orders from other costumers and always smile and giggle. The cafe is very popular because of Yoongi and Jungkook, they are both good looking and are also so nice to the costumers so they always come back.

The thing that Yoongi and Jungkook find the funniest when they work is when some girls try to flirt with them without knowing that they both are gay. They always laugh about it after the girls are gone.
Jimin on the other hand absolutely hates it when someone else is flirting with his Yoongi. He never does anything about it because he doesn't do casualties.

Jimin is one of the "good" mafia bosses who doesn't kill for fun or anyone innocent. He only kills when he has to. He is still feared by all the people in South Korea because he still is an dangerous man and will kill the people who deserves it. He is the biggest man in the mafia world in Korea because he deals with everything from drugs to weapons.

So yeah, he does not like it when some little girl flirts with his baby boy but he won't do anything about it. Not yet at least.

Today is a different day, today Jimin will ask for Yoongi's number. He needs Yoongi's number so he can get closer to him but also so he can always know where Yoongi is.
Sure Namjoon already knows the number but Jimin wants some of this relationship to be genuine.

This is why Jimin has finally decided to ask for his number and maybe also a date.

When there weren't so many costumers anymore, Jimin walked forwards to the register.
"Yoongi, I just wanted to ask you if you will have your break soon?"

Yoongi fiddled with his fingers,
"Yeah! In like 10 minutes". He couldn't look Jimin in the eyes, he was nervous.

"Would you mind joining me at my table then?" Jimin said this in a flirty way and smirked.

Yoongi giggled and finally looked Jimin in the eyes. "No, I wouldn't mind at all". Yoongi was now also blushing and Jimin was satisfied.

"Wonderful" Jimin said with his eye smile.

Yoongi is now sitting with Jimin at his table and munching on a sandwich.

"So, Yoongi.."


"Could I maybe get your number?"

Yoongi sputtered and coughed a little and Jimin looked concerned.
"Sorry I was just surprised! Yeah I would love to give you my number." Yoongi said warmly.

Jimin thanked him and gave him his phone with a small smile. Yoongi wrote in his number and saved the contact as: Yoonie 💞✨

Both Yoongi and Jimin smiled because of the name. Jimin soon realised that he had to go and he was sad about it, he really likes to spend his time with his little angel.

"Hey Yoongi, I need to go but I'll text you okay?" Jimin said this carefully while standing up from his chair.

"Oh, okay!" Yoongi was of course disappointed but he couldn't show that to Jimin, so he just smiled a little and nodded.

Jimin then walked out of the cafe with a big smile on his face while looking down at the new contact.

To: Yoonie 💞✨
This is Jimin.

Okay so that's it hihi. I hope you all liked it just a little bit and please do comment what you think or if you might have something that you think I should write 👀
Until next time, mwah.

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